José Caraquitena
Achromatic diffraction of femtosecond light pulses
Diffraction of electromagnetic waves in free space is a physical phenomenon that explicitly depends on the wavelength of light radiation. As an ultrashort-pulsed waveform consists of many frequency components that are coherently superposed, diffraction of a femtosecond pulse passing through an aperture radically differs from that under continuous wave (CW) monochromatic illumination. Note that the spectral width of a 5 fs pulsed beam is approximately 400 nm, which roughly corresponds to the entire visible spectrum bandwidth. The spectral distribution of the source results in the chromatic distortion, both lateral and axial, of the optical field diffracted by the aperture. This detrimental e…
Broadband space-variant Fresnel processor
We present a radically new class of optical setup working with white-light illumination, namely, a chromatically compensated processor operating in the Fresnel domain. The optical configuration is a hybrid (diffractive-refractive) three-lens system that exhibits an intermediate achromatic Fresnel plane and an output image plane without chromatic distortion. As a first application of this optical arrangement we develop a parallel space-variant color pattern-recognition experiment with white light.
High spatiotemporal resolution in multifocal processing with femtosecond laser pulses.
We report spatial and temporal dispersion compensation for fan-out of femtosecond pulses with a low-frequency diffraction grating by means of a hybrid diffractive-refractive lens triplet. In this way, we achieve a multifocal light structure with nearly diffraction-limited light spots even for 20 fs pulse duration. The spatial chromatic compensation, which drastically reduces the lateral walk-off of the various spectral components, also allows us to improve the available bandwidth at the dispersion-compensated diffraction orders. In fact, the temporal width of the output pulse is essentially limited by the group-delay dispersion term, which is shown to be small. The high spatiotemporal resol…
Hybrid (diffractive-refractive) optical processor for space-variant color pattern recognition
Space-variant optical processing constitutes an interesting approach in information processing techniques when the location of the reference object is of as much importance as its identification. Applications range from machine vision, optical logic, or neural network systems, to cryptography. First results of positional sensitivity were obtained in the past few years by Fresnel transform correlators with coherent light [1,2]. On the other hand, optical Fresnel cor-relators working under broadband point-source illumination allow us to exploit color information of input scenes and present a discrimination ability higher than its monochromatic counterparts. However, the use of the wavelength …
Analytical Evaluation of the Temporal Focal Shift for Arbitrary Pulse Shapes
In this letter, we analyze the propagation of linearly chirped arbitrary-shaped light pulses through a parabolic dispersive medium to derive an analytical formula of assessing the location of the transverse plane where the pulse root-mean-square width is minimum. Closed form expressions for compressed pulses, which are independent of the input pulse shape, are demonstrated. In this way, we demonstrate that both the relative temporal focal shift and the minimum pulsewidth are solely determined by two factors, the temporal equivalent of the Fresnel number of the geometry and the pulse quality factor, i.e., the temporal analogue of the spatial M/sup 2/ beam quality factor. Some examples are di…
Temporal self-imaging effect for chirped laser pulse sequences: Repetition rate and duty cycle tunability
We express parabolic-dispersion-induced transformations of a linearly chirped signal in terms of those suffered by the unchirped version of the same input signal. Specifically, we unveil that any amount of chirping and dispersion produces, aside from a scale factor, the same pulse-distortion effect as a certain parabolic dispersion in the unchirped input. This relevant result allows us to derive, as a particular case, the dispersion condition that leads to the temporal self-imaging phenomenon for laser pulse sequences globally affected by a quadratic-phase modulation. This combined action of chirping and dispersion is proposed as a technique for generating laser pulse sequences with customi…
Dispersion-compensated beam-splitting of femtosecond light pulses: Wave optics analysis
Recently, using parageometrical optics concepts, a hybrid, diffractive-refractive, lens triplet has been suggested to significantly improve the spatiotemporal resolution of light spots in multifocal processing with femtosecond laser pulses. Here, we carry out a rigorous wave-optics analysis, including the spatiotemporal nature of the wave equation, to elucidate both the spatial extent of the diffractive spots and the temporal duration of the pulse at the output plane. Specifically, we show nearly transform-limited behavior of diffraction maxima. Moreover, the temporal broadening of the pulse is related to the group velocity dispersion, which can be pre-compensated for in practical applicati…
Chromatic compensation of broadband light diffraction: ABCD-matrix approach
Compensation of chromatic dispersion for the optical implementation of mathematical transformations has proved to be an important tool in the design of new optical methods for full-color signal processing. A novel approach for designing dispersion-compensated, broadband optical transformers, both Fourier and Fresnel, based on the collimated Fresnel number is introduced. In a second stage, the above framework is fully exploited to achieve the optical implementation of the fractional Fourier transform (FRT) of any diffracting screen with broadband illumination. Moreover, we demonstrate that the amount of shift variance of the dispersion-compensated FRT can be tuned continuously from the spati…