Aleksis Dreimanis
Palynology and lithostratigraphy of Late Elsterian to Early Saalian aquatic sediments in the Ziemupe–Jūrkalne area, western Latvia
Abstract This study is based upon lithological and palynological investigation of test-drilling cores along the Baltic Sea coast. Three intertill units of basin sediments are underlain by a thin layer of Lētiža (Elsterian) till and overlain by glaciotectonically deformed Kurzeme (Saalian Complex) till. The Kurzeme till differs from the Lētiža till by higher contents of limestone clasts and rounded hornblende grains. The lowermost intertill unit consists of glaciolacustrine to glaciomarine laminated clay of the Sudrabi member, a late glacial deposit of the Lētiža glaciation. Treeless vegetation covered the adjoining land. Next is the marine to brackish Akme n rags formation, deposited during…
The ESR age of Portlandia arctica shells from glacial deposits of Central Latviaan answer to a controversy on the age and genesis of their enclosing sediments
Abstract The occurrence of Portlandia arctica shells in glacigenic sediments of Central Latvia had created a controversy in many publications about (1) their age ranging from the Holsteinian to the Late Weichselian and (2) the genesis of their enclosing sediments: glacial, glaciomarine or marine. Our reinvestigation of the main object of controversy, the Licupe site, leads to a conclusion that the sedimentary package of diamictons, clays and sands containing Portlandia arctica shells and marine microfossils is a large glacial raft that had been transported and deposited by the Riga lobe during the Weichselian. The electron spin resonance (ESR) ages on five sets of Portlandia arctica shells …
Morphology, internal structure and genesis of the Burtnieks drumlin field, Northern Vidzeme, Latvia
Abstract The Burtnieks drumlin field is one of the largest in the Baltic countries. It occupies a broad and uneven bedrock macrodepression. The uneven distribution of drumlins is related to the relief of the bedrock surface. Needle-shaped drumlinoids occur in the proximal part of the drumlin field, and they gradually merge into typical drumlin forms downglacier. This morphologic change reflects the differences in their genesis as suggested by internal structure. The cores of drumlins consist mainly of glaciotectonically deformed Pleistocene sediment and, in some places, also weakly cemented, dislocated Middle Devonian sandstone. All of them are folded into linear anticlines trending paralle…