S. Von Dombrowski
Study of annihilation at rest into ωηπ0
Abstract We have studied p p annihilations at rest in liquid hydrogen into the final state ωηπ 0 where ω decays to π 0 γ . This reaction is dominated by the production of α 0 (980) and contributions from a 2 (1320) and b 1 0 (1235). Upper limits for the production of an axial vector h ′ 1 (1380) meson and vector mesons ω(1390), ω(1600), and φ(1680) decaying to ωη are given. The branching ratio of p p annihilation into ωηπ 0 was determined to be (0.68±0.01±0.05)%.
Antiproton-proton annihilation in-flight
This is an overview of the preliminary results of\(\bar pp\) annihilation at incident\(\bar p\) momenta of 600, 1200 and 1940 MeV/c(*). The data was taken at LEAR with the Crystal Barrel Detector (E. Akeret al.:Nucl. Instrum. Methods A,321, 108 (1992)). In the two pseudoscalar final states seven different channels are observable and their angular distributions are measured. They are compared to older data, if existent, and are found to be equal within the experimental errors. In the three-meson final states, an overview of the already examined final states is given. Striking signals in the Dalitz plots and invariant-mass projections for a set of final states are observed. In the final state…
Proton-antiproton annihilation into ηηπ-observation of a scalar resonance decaying into ηη
Abstract The results of a measurement of pp annihilation at rest into ηηπ 0 are presented. Assuming a resonance dominated model for the annihilation process an isoscalar J PC =0 ++ resonance decaying into ηη is observed with a mass of 1560±25 MeV/ c 2 and a width of 245±50 MeV/ c 2 .
Evidence for two isospin zeroJ PC=2−+ mesons at 1645 and 1875 MeV
Data on\(\bar pp \to \eta \pi ^0 \pi ^0 \pi ^0 \) taken at beam momenta of 1.2 and 1.94 GeV/c reveal evidence for twoI=0JPC=2−+ resonances inηππ. The first, at 1645±14(stat.)±15(syst.) MeV with width 180−21+40±25 MeV, decays toα2(1320)π withL=0. It may be interpreted as the\(q\bar q^1 \)D2 partner ofπ2(1670). A strong signal is also observed just above threshold inf2(1270)η withL=0. It is 11–22 times stronger than is expected for the high mass tail of the 1645 MeV resonance. It can be fitted as a second 2−+ resonance at 1875±20±35 MeV with width 200±25±45 MeV. A third resonance havingJPC=2++ is observed at 2135±20±45 MeV withΛ=250±25±45 MeV, decaying to botha2(1320)π andf2(1270)η withL=1. T…
P- versus S-wave at rest in LH2
Abstract The annihilation p p →π 0 π 0 was measured for antiprotons stopped in liquid hydrogen (LH2). This reaction is only allowed from odd angular momentum states of the p p - atom . The resulting branching ratio BR ( p p →π 0 π 0 ) LH 2 =(6.93±0.22 stat ±0.37 syst )×10 −4 , combined with a previous measurement of the branching ratio BR ( p p →π + π − ) 2 P in gas from the 2P-state of p p suggests a fraction of P-wave annihilation in LH2 of (28.8±3.5)%, much larger than the values obtained from other annihilation channels. A method of reconciling the contradictory results is discussed.
Search for a new light gauge boson in decays of π0 and η
Abstract We have searched for new light gauge bosons produced in π 0 and η decays by studying the kinematically well-constrained reactions p p→π 0 π 0 π 0 and p p→π 0 π 0 η , where one π 0 or the η decays through the emission of a single photon recoiling against a missing state X (where X is a long-lived weakly interacting particle or X →ν ν ). No signal has been observed and branching ratio upper limits of 6 × 10 −5 at 90% C.L. have been obtained for masses of the gauge boson lying between ∼65 MeV and 125 MeV ( π 0 decay), and 6 × 10 −5 at 90% C.L. for X masses between ∼200 MeV and 525 MeV (η decay). The π 0 -decay limit represents a factor of 4 to 8 improvement when compared to the existi…