Weilemann Ls
Akute emphysematöse Cholezystitis als Ursache eines Pneumoperitoneums
A 48-year-old man developed progressively more severe epigastric pain, pain on pressure in the right upper abdomen and fever up to 38.6 degrees C so that acute cholecystitis was suspected. Ultrasound did not demonstrate a gall-bladder but a sickle shaped, dense echo with a distal adjoining echo-free zone. Computed tomography revealed air in the gall-bladder lumen as well as intramural and pericholecystic air pockets, findings pathognomonic for emphysematous cholecystitis. In addition pneumoperitoneum was diagnosed. Subsequent cholecystectomy intraoperatively revealed a gangrenous, nonperforating gall-bladder in which E. coli was demonstrated. During the first postoperative week, there were …