Kreitner Kf

Stellenwert der MR-Tomographie bei traumatischen Patellaluxationen

PURPOSE To describe the MR imaging findings in patients with lateral patellar dislocation. MATERIAL AND METHODS The MRIs of 31 patients with patellar dislocation were evaluated retrospectively. Arthroscopic surgery was performed in 23 cases. RESULTS Hemarthrosis was found in 30/31, contusions of the lateral femoral condyle in 30/31 and of the medial patellar facet in 26/31 cases. Injury of the medial patellar retinaculum was seen in 28/31 cases. Osteochondral fractures were found in 18 patients; compared to arthroscopy there were one false-positive and 5 false-negative findings concerning loose cartilage bodies. In 7 cases, patellar dislocation was not suspected before MR imaging. CONCLUSIO…

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Stellenwert der MR-Tomographie bei akuten Schulterluxationen

24 patients up to two weeks after primary traumatic shoulder dislocation were examined at 0.5 and 1.5 T. Surgical and/or arthroscopic correlation was available in 13, CT-arthrographic correlation in 16 patients. A joint effusion allowing sufficient evaluation of the capsulolabral complex was present in 21/24 (87.5%) cases. 11/14 patients with combined dislocated detachments of the glenoid labrum and capsular lesions were subsequently operated upon. Marrow edema of the humeral head was found in 16/19 Hill-Sachs lesions and in 4/5 fractures of the greater tuberosity. Two patients presented with a lesion of the long biceps tendon associated with rotator cuff tears and were also subsequently op…

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Die isolierte Fraktur des Hamulus ossis hamati - eine leicht zu übersehende Handwurzelverletzung

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CT-Arthrographie der Schulter nach operativer Versorgung ventraler Instabilitäten

25 patients who had undergone a modified Lange repair were examined postoperatively after about four years, both clinically and by CT arthrography. Ventral redislocation was no longer seen postoperatively. As regards residual ventral instability, there was agreement between CT arthrography and the clinical findings in 20/25 patients (90%). Newly developed or residual dorsal instability could be accurately demonstrated by the presence of pathological changes of the dorsal labrum and by the observation of a wide dorsal joint recess. CT arthrography did not provide reliable evidence concerning loss of function and mobility of the treated shoulder. However, the presence of marked capsular foldi…

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Möglichkeiten der CT-Arthrographie in der Diagnostik von Schulterinstabilitäten

In the course of a prospective study, CT arthrography was carried out on 40 patients with shoulder instability. In 35 of these patients a lesion of the capsule and labrum was demonstrated, indicating glenohumeral instability; in three patients this was shown primarily by CT arthrography. In three patients, multidirectional instability was demonstrated. In four patients there was an isolated lesion of the labrum, whereas in one patient all the findings were normal. Compared with the capsulo-labral lesions, bone changes involving the head of the humerus and the glenoid were of lesser importance, although their severity affected the choice of operative treatment in four patients. Fifteen of th…

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Seltener Fall einer Femurkopfkalottenfraktur

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MRT des Kniegelenkes: Fehleranalyse bezüglich der Meniskus- und Kreuzbanddiagnostik an einem arthroskopisch kontrollierten Patientenkollektiv

PURPOSE To categorise discrepancies in findings of the menisci and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) between arthroscopy and MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS The MRIs of 236 patients were retrospectively analysed by an experienced radiologist without knowledge of clinical and/or operative findings. Discrepancies in arthroscopic findings were reevaluated together with the arthroscopist to determine their cause of error. RESULTS The diagnostic accuracies for injuries of the medial and lateral meniscus and the ACL were 92.4%, 92.4%, and 94.1%, respectively. For the menisci, causes for discrepancies in findings (n = 31) were: overinterpretation of central signal intensities with contact to the menisca…

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Einsatzmöglichkeiten der MR-Arthrographie bei Erkrankungen des Schultergelenkes

In a prospective study possible indications for MR arthrography of the shoulder were evaluated. 37 patients were examined before and after intraarticular administration of a 2-mmolar solution of Gd-DTPA. MR arthrography was performed if there was no joint effusion and/or an uncertain finding concerning the rotator cuff or the capsulolabral complex on plain MR images. MR arthrography leads to a better demonstration of labrum pathology in 11/22 patients and to a superior delineation of the capsuloligamentous apparatus in 20/22 cases. In 9/15 patients with impingement lesions MR arthrography allowed a differentiation of severe tendinitis from partial and small full-thickness tears of the rotat…

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MR-Tomographie versus CT-Arthrographie bei glenohumeralen Instabilitäten

In a prospective study the diagnostic value of MRI compared to CT arthrography (CT-A) was evaluated in 26 patients with 27 instable shoulder joints. Surgical and/or arthroscopic correlation was available in all cases. Both methods showed a high accuracy (96% CT-A, 94% MRI) in the evaluation of the glenoid labrum. CT-A was significantly superior to MRI in the detection of capsular lesions (sensitivity 96% vs. 44%, accuracy 96% vs. 72%, negative predictive value 96% vs. 67%). CT-A and MRI results regarding humeral head fractures were similar; fractures of the glenoid rim were better detected by CT-A, the difference, however, was statistically not significant. Overall, CT-A proved to be superi…

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Cardiac MR enables diagnosis in 90% of patients with acute chest pain, elevated biomarkers and unobstructed coronary arteries

To assess the diagnostic value of cardiac MRI (CMR) in patients with acute chest pain, elevated cardiac enzymes and a negative coronary angiogram.This study included a total of 125 patients treated in the chest pain unit during a 39-month period. Each included patient underwent MRI within a median of 3 days after cardiac catheterization. The MRI protocol comprised cine, oedema-sensitive and late gadolinium-enhancement imaging. The standard of reference was a consensus diagnosis based on clinical follow-up and the synopsis of all clinical, laboratory and imaging data.MRI revealed a multitude of diagnoses, including ischaemic cardiomyopathy (CM), dilated CM, myocarditis, Takotsubo CM, hyperte…

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