T. Brodkorb
QCD Jets at HERA II.O(? s 2 ) four-jet cross-sections
We present exact expressions for theO(α s 2 ) tree graph four-jet cross-sections in neutral current and charged current deep inelasticep scattering initiated by quarks, antiquarks and gluons including lepton polarization effects. Using helicity amplitudes the partonic cross-sections are given in concise form including all colour, flavour and statistical factors. We explicate the electroweak coupling dependence and state how the partonic cross-sections are folded with the respective parton densities to obtain theep jet cross-sections toO(α s 2 ). We present some numerical results for the neutral current one-photon exchange case. We elaborate on the cut dependence of the jet rates and present…
Lepton-hadron correlations to $$\mathcal{O}(\alpha _s^2 )$$ in (2+1) jet production at electron-proton colliders
We present one-loop corrected\(\mathcal{O}(\alpha _s^2 )\) results on the four parity-conserving structure functions that describe deep inelastic (2+1)-jet production at high energy electron-proton colliders.
Lepton-hadron correlations to O(αs2) in (2+1) jet production processes at hera
Abstract We give a qualitative account of some of the technical features that go into the calculation of the one-loop improved O(αs2) (2+1) jet production rates in deep inelastic scattering which was completed only recently. We present some numerical results on (2+1) jet production with an emphasis on lepton-hadron correlation effects by exhibiting the contribution of the longitudinal structure function.