Ashok Vellodi
Correction: Corrigendum: Long-term, open-labeled extension study of idursulfase in the treatment of Hunter syndrome
CORRIGENDUM: Long-term, open-labeled extension study of idursulfase in the treatment of Hunter syndrome
Longitudinal analysis of endurance and respiratory function from a natural history study of Morquio A syndrome
Objectives: Baseline data from the Morquio A Clinical Assessment Program (MorCAP) revealed that individuals with Morquio A syndrome show substantial impairment in multiple domains including endurance and respiratory function (Harmatz et al., Mol Genet Metab, 2013). Here, 1- and 2-year longitudinal endurance and respiratory function data are presented.Methods: Endurance was assessed using the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and the 3-minute stair climb test (3MSCT). Respiratory function was evaluated by measuring forced vital capacity (PVC) and maximum voluntary ventilation (MW). Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANCOVA models. Annualized estimates of change were determined using model es…
Phenotype determining alleles in GM1 gangliosidosis patients bearing novel GLB1 mutations.
Hofer D, Paul K, Fantur K, Beck M, Roubergue A, Vellodi A, Poorthuis BJ, Michelakakis H, Plecko B, Paschke E. Phenotype determining alleles in GM1 gangliosidosis patients bearing novel GLB1 mutations. GM1 gangliosidosis manifests with progressive psychomotor deterioration and dysostosis of infantile, juvenile, or adult onset, caused by alterations in the structural gene coding for lysosomal acid s-galactosidase (GLB1). In addition, allelic variants of this gene can result in Morquio B disease (MBD), a phenotype with dysostosis multiplex and entire lack of neurologic involvement. More than 100 sequence alterations in the GLB1 gene have been identified so far, but only few could be proven to …
Idursulfase treatment of Hunter syndrome in children younger than 6 years: results from the Hunter Outcome Survey.
Purpose: To use the Hunter Outcome Survey, an international database, to assess the safety and effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy with idursulfase in patients with Hunter syndrome who started treatment before 6 years of age. Methods: The study population included all patients enrolled in the Hunter Outcome Survey who started idursulfase infusions (0.5 mg/kg every other week) before 6 years of age and who had at least one follow-up examination recorded. Results: The study population included 124 patients, younger than 6 years, who had a mean age at start of idursulfase of 3.6 ± 1.6 years (mean ± SD). The mean duration of treatment was 22.9 ± 14.6 months. A total of 69 infusion-relat…
The Morquio A Clinical Assessment Program: Baseline results illustrating progressive, multisystemic clinical impairments in Morquio A subjects
Abstract Objectives The objectives of this study are to quantify endurance and respiratory function and better characterize spectrum of symptoms and biochemical abnormalities in mucopolysaccharidosis IVA subjects. Methods MorCAP was a multicenter, multinational, cross sectional study amended to be longitudinal in 2011. Each study visit required collection of medical history, clinical assessments, and keratan sulfate (KS) levels. Results Data from the first visit of 325 subjects (53% female) were available. Mean age was 14.5 years. Mean ± SD height z-scores were − 5.6 ± 3.1 as determined by the CDC growth charts. Mean ± SD from the 6-minute-walk-test was 212.6 ± 152.2 m, revealing limitation…
Pediatric non-neuronopathic Gaucher disease: presentation, diagnosis and assessment. Consensus statements.
In individuals with non-neuronopathic Gaucher disease, childhood manifestations are usually predictive of a more severe phenotype. Although children with Gaucher disease are at risk of irreversible disease complications, early intervention with an optimal dose of enzyme therapy can prevent the development of complications and ensure adequate, potentially normal, development through childhood and adolescence. Very few, if any, children diagnosed by signs and symptoms should go untreated. Evidence suggests that disease severity, disease progression and treatment response in different organs where glucocerebroside accumulates are often non-uniform in affected individuals. Therefore, serial mon…
Survival and developmental milestones among Pompe registry patients with classic infantile-onset Pompe disease with different timing of initiation of treatment with enzyme replacement therapy (ERT)
s S62 strength in the arms (pulls self to stand: 72% vs 47%) and legs (bears weight on legs: 79% vs 66%). Results were similar when patients from Taiwan, who may have been identifi ed by newborn screening and not clinical diagnosis, were excluded. Earlier initiation of ERT in classic IOPD patients appears to improve the chances of survival and leads to better retention of muscle strength and improvement of symptoms in these young patients affected most severely by Pompe disease.
Outcome of type III Gaucher disease on enzyme replacement therapy: review of 55 cases.
The European Task Force for Neuronopathic Gaucher Disease (NGD) met in 2006 to review its 2001 guidelines. Fifty-five patients from five European countries were reviewed; 29 were male and 26 female. The majority of the patients were homozygous for the L444P mutation. All had been on enzyme replacement therapy (ERT). However, there was considerable variation in the dose of ERT, as well as an uneven distribution of risk factors. Thus, the oldest patients were on the lowest doses, and several had had a total splenectomy, while the youngest patients had a high proportion of compound heterozygosity and were on the highest doses, and very few had had a splenectomy. This heterogeneity rendered ana…
Long-term, open-labeled extension study of idursulfase in the treatment of Hunter syndrome.
Purpose: This study evaluated the safety and effectiveness of long-term enzyme replacement therapy with idursulfase (recombinant human iduronate-2-sulfatase) in patients with Hunter syndrome. Methods: All 94 patients who completed a 53-week double-blinded study of idursulfase enrolled in this open-labeled extension study and received intravenous idursulfase at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg weekly for 2 years, and clinical outcomes and safety were assessed. Results: No change in percent predicted forced vital capacity was seen, but absolute forced vital capacity demonstrated sustained improvement and was increased 25.1% at the end of the study. Statistically significant increases in 6-minute walking t…