Birgit Ulbrich
Correction: Corrigendum: Long-term, open-labeled extension study of idursulfase in the treatment of Hunter syndrome
CORRIGENDUM: Long-term, open-labeled extension study of idursulfase in the treatment of Hunter syndrome
Long-term, open-labeled extension study of idursulfase in the treatment of Hunter syndrome.
Purpose: This study evaluated the safety and effectiveness of long-term enzyme replacement therapy with idursulfase (recombinant human iduronate-2-sulfatase) in patients with Hunter syndrome. Methods: All 94 patients who completed a 53-week double-blinded study of idursulfase enrolled in this open-labeled extension study and received intravenous idursulfase at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg weekly for 2 years, and clinical outcomes and safety were assessed. Results: No change in percent predicted forced vital capacity was seen, but absolute forced vital capacity demonstrated sustained improvement and was increased 25.1% at the end of the study. Statistically significant increases in 6-minute walking t…