Ralf Hetzel
Bivergent extension in orogenic belts: The Menderes massif (southwestern Turkey)
The central Menderes massif is characterized by an overall dome-shaped foliation pattern and a north-northeast-trending stretching lineation. The asymmetry of shear bands and quartz c-axis fabrics on either side of the structural dome demonstrate a top to the north-northeast shear sense in the northern part and a top to the south-southwest shear sense in the southern part of the submassif, i.e., a bivergent downdip movement. This suggests a symmetric collapse of the Alpine Menderes orogenic belt along two extensional shear zones. Conjugate shear bands and symmetric quartz c-axis fabrics in the east-trending transition zone demonstrate a coaxial deformation between the two extension domains.…
Miocene NNE-directed extensional unroofing in the Menderes Massif, southwestern Turkey
Structural investigations in the central part of the Menderes Massif (Odemis-Kiraz submassif) reveal the presence of a large-scale, low-angle extensional shear zone with a top-to-the-N-NE shear sense. Regional ductile deformation was accompanied by the intrusion of two syntectonic granodiorites that have been dated with the Ar-40/Ar-39 method. One hornblende isochron age of 19.5 +/- 1.4 Ma and two biotite plateau ages of 13.1 +/- 0.2 and 12.2 +/- 0.4 Ma, respectively, constrain that extension was already active in the early Miocene. Successive tectonic denudation of the Odemis-Kiraz submassif resulted in the formation of a N-dipping detachment fault, in which ductile fabrics were severely r…
Geology of the Bozdag area, central Menderes massif, SW Turkey: Pan-African basement and Alpine deformation
The Menderes massif consists of a Precambrian Core Series that preserves evidence for a polymetamorphic history and a Paleozoic/Mesozoic Cover Series that experienced only the Alpine tectonometamorphic evolution. Structural, petrographic, and geochronologic investigations in the central Menderes massif demonstrate that (a) part of the metamorphic and structural evolution of the Precambrian basement is older than the undeformed 551+/-1.4-Ma-old Birgi metagranite, and (b) inferred Alpine fabrics overprinting the Cover Series largely have the same attitudes as the old structures in the much older Core Series. The inferred Alpine fabrics include both contractional and extensional structures. Co…
Bivergent extension in orogenic belts: The Menderes massif (southwestern Turkey): Comment and Reply
Tectonic denudation of a Late Cretaceous-Tertiary collisional belt: Regionally symmetric cooling patterns and their relation to extensional faults in the Anatolide belt of western Turkey
Thermochronological data reveal that the Late Cretaceous–Tertiary nappe pile of the Anatolide belt of western Turkey displays a two-stage cooling history. Three crustal segments differing in structure and cooling history have been identified. The Central Menderes metamorphic core complex represents an ‘inner’ axial segment of the Anatolide belt and exposes the lowest structural levels of the nappe pile, whereas the two ‘outer’ submassifs, the Gördes submassif to the north and the Çine submassif to the south, represent higher levels of the nappe pile. A regionally significant phase of cooling in the Late Oligocene and Early Miocene affected the outer two submassifs and the upper structural l…
An active bivergent rolling-hinge detachment system: Central Menderes metamorphic core complex in western Turkey.
Two symmetrically arranged detachment systems delimit the central Menderes metamorphic core complex and define a bivergent continental breakaway zone in the Anatolide belt of western Turkey. Structural analysis and apatite fission-track thermochronology show that a large east-trending syncline within the Alpine nappe stack in the central part of the orogen is related to late Miocene-early Pliocene to recent core-complex formation. The syncline formed as a result of two opposite-facing rolling hinges in the footwalls of each of the two detachments. Back-rotation of the syncline limbs suggests that the detachments rotated from an initial dip of 50 degrees -60 degrees to a currently shallow or…
Intrusion age of Pan-African augen gneisses in the southern Menderes Massif and the age of cooling after Alpine ductile extensional deformation
AbstractPb–Pb single zircon ages of 546.2 ± 1.2 Ma demonstrate that the augen gneisses in the southern Menderes Massif were generated from Pan-African intrusions. During the Alpine orogenic evolution of the Menderes Massif these granites were metamorphosed and transformed into augen gneiss in an extensional top-to-the-south shear zone, located between augen gneisses and overlying schists. Quartz fabrics suggest a pronounced static recrystallization that post-dates the ductile deformation in the shear zone. Ar–Ar muscovite ages of 43–37 Ma from augen gneisses and schists suggest that ductile deformation and subsequent cooling occurred in the Eocene. These results contradict previous models t…