Carlos Gómez-reino
Generalized formulation and symmetry properties of reciprocal nonabsorbing polarization devices: Application to liquid-crystal displays
We present a general formulation based on the Jones-matrix theory for reciprocal nonabsorbing polarization devices, including polarization interference filters and liquid-crystal displays. The development of this formulation is based on general symmetry conditions that relate the Jones matrix when the device is illuminated from the front side and from the back side. The application to liquid-crystal displays results in a constraint of the Jones-matrix elements, which represents a generalization of the existing models that explain their modulation properties.
Graphical representation of non-absorbing polarization devices
A graphical representation of general non-absorbing polarization devices operating under normal plane-wave incidence is presented. The representation is based on a four-dimensional spherical parametrization of the Jones matrix of this kind of polarization devices. The graphical representation takes the form of a solid cylinder. The projection of the point representing the device over the base of the cylinder gives the corresponding polarization eigenvectors represented in the complex plane, while the height of the point in the cylinder is the phase of its eigenvalue. Some simple examples like wave-plates and rotators are discussed. The representation may represent a useful tool to identify …