Jouni Välisaari
The comparison of seven different methods to quantify the amorphous content of spray dried lactose
The purpose of this work was to verify the usefulness, advantages and disadvantages of seven methods that are widely used to detect, and quantify the amorphous contents in pharmaceutical solids. Here, StepScan DSC, a type of modulated temperature calorimetry method, was applied for the first time to quantify amorphicity. The comparison of the analytical methods was undertaken with real (non-artificial) test samples, i.e. spray-dried lactose samples with various degrees of crystallinity. In these samples, it was essential that the amorphous and the crystalline portions are not present as separate particles, which is the case when physical (artificial) mixtures of totally amorphous and totall…
Adolescents' perception of scientific inquiry in nature : a drawing analysis
This study was carried out to determine adolescents’ perception of scientific inquiry (SI) in nature and the effect of a science camp on those perceptions. Eleven science campers (14 to 16 years old) participated in this research during a science camp. Pre- and post-test included open questions and drawing tasks. The campers’ drawings were analyzed to assess their out-of-school perceptions related to SI. The aim was to clarify what phases and factors the campers associated with SI in nature, and how their perceptions differ after participating at a science camp. The findings suggest that the phases of SI were well known before the camp, but minor developments in campers’ perceptions of the …
Aineenopettajankoulutus LUMA-aineissa Jyväskylän yliopistossa
Jyväskylän yliopistosta valmistuu aineenopettajia LUMA-aineissa kaikilta matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan ainelaitoksilta, lisäksi tietotekniikan opettajia informaatioteknologian tiedekunnasta. Matemaattis-luonnontieteellisestä tiedekunnasta valmistuu vuosittain reilut 40 aineenopettajaa, kaikkiaan valmistuneista maistereista noin joka neljännellä on opettajan pätevyys. Tietotekniikan laitokselta valmistuu vuosittain noin 10 aineenopettajaa. Tulevan aineenopettajan opintopolku muodostuu opinnoista ainelaitoksilla, opettajankoulutuslaitoksella ja Normaalikoulussa. Opettajia kouluttavien yhteistyö on tärkeää opintojen kokonaisvaltaisessa suunnittelussa. Ainelaitosten, opettajankoul…
Narrative Study of Teacher Students' Experiences on an Experimental Chemistry Field Course in Finland
The aim of this study was to investigate chemistry teacher students’ experiences of an experimental chemistry field course. A narrative approach was used because the aim was to obtain authentic reports. The study participants (N = 8) had all taken part in an experimental chemistry field course between 2013 and 2015. The teacher students reported that once they had participated in the field course, they were ready to teach science outside the classroom with students in future. Without the field course, they would be less likely to do so. The results indicate that chemistry teacher students feel they need more training in different learning environments. peerReviewed
Drawing Cartoon Strips as a Learning Tool in Fostering the Learning of Titration in Pre-service Chemistry Education
In this study, static visual displays of titration created by the university-level pre-service chemistry education students was investigated. The aim for the students was to learn the theory of titrations, using self-prepared cartoon strips with supportive texts. Attention was paid to the titration cartoon strips students made which were suitable for both learning and teaching purposes. The basis of this study was students’ own drawings: students observed and visualized the titration process, and built their own representation of it. Simple models were created using pencil and paper. The goals were to determine how students regard the learning tool, how drawing cartoon strips helps their le…
Building natural science learning through youth science camps
This study focuses on a youth science camp for pupils in sixth to ninth grades that is organized annually by the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The main idea of the science camp is to learn to do guided inquiry in nature. The study investigates the significance of science camp for encouraging young participants to learn science and how the camp supports their learning. The research method used was a survey. Altogether, 47 youth participated in the camp in 2012 and 2013. The results show that the participants wanted to learn more about science than secondary school could offer, and science camp had a positive impact on their interest in science. It was possible to introduce important conc…
Kitchen chemistry course for chemistry education students: influences on chemistry teaching and teacher education – a multiple case study
AbstractThis study introduces the Kitchen Chemistry (KC) course and its influences on chemistry education as a whole. KC is considered to be a life-relevant learning environment that engages learners in science through the pursuit of personally relevant and meaningful goals. KC, as a form of interdisciplinary learning, aims to develop boundary-crossing skills and to support the development of pupils’ scientific thinking. The purpose of this research was to determine how KC as a context-based teaching approach applies to chemistry education and what it offers to chemistry teaching and teacher education. We found that KC gave lower secondary school pupils the opportunity to understand the che…
Effects of Ethanol to Water Ratio in Feed Solution on the Crystallinity of Spray-Dried Lactose
In the present study, the effects of ethanol to water ratio in feed solution on the physical properties of spray-dried alpha-lactose monohydrate were evaluated. Crystallinity of the spray-dried lactose was determined by isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) and by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Water content of the spray-dried lactose was determined by thermogravimetric analysis and the surface area was evaluated by Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (BET) method. The crystallinity of spray-dried lactose varied from 0% to 100%, depending on the ratio of ethanol to water in the feed solution. Lactose spray dried from pure ethanol was 100% crystalline and contained hydrate water. Lactose spra…
Aineenopettajankoulutus LUMA-aineissa Jyväskylän yliopistossa
Jyväskylän yliopistosta valmistuu aineenopettajia LUMA-aineissa kaikilta matemaattisluonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan ainelaitoksilta, lisäksi tietotekniikan opettajia informaatioteknologian tiedekunnasta. Matemaattis-luonnontieteellisestä tiedekunnasta valmistuu vuosittain reilut 40 aineenopettajaa, kaikkiaan valmistuneista maistereista noin joka neljännellä on opettajan pätevyys. Tietotekniikan laitokselta valmistuu vuosittain noin 10 aineenopettajaa. Tulevan aineenopettajan opintopolku muodostuu opinnoista ainelaitoksilla, opettajankoulutuslaitoksella ja Normaalikoulussa. Opettajia kouluttavien yhteistyö on tärkeää opintojen kokonaisvaltaisessa suunnittelussa. Ainelaitosten, opettajankoulu…
Reconstruction of undergraduate analytical chemistry laboratory course
The Analytical chemistry laboratory course at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Jyväskylä was reconstructed due to problems in the traditional arrangement, structure and contents of the course. The purposes of the reform were: to increase student-centered activity, co-operation and inquiry-based learning; to strengthen the connections to real-life; to develop students’ critical-thinking skills; and to decrease the number of drop-outs during the course. The reconstructed course includes independent laboratory work tasks and a research project. The results of the projects are presented in a course seminar. All of the laboratory experiments are done in groups of 8-10 students un…