Adele Traina

Breast Cancer Incidence in Palermo City (Italy)

research product

Raman Spectroscopic Measurements of Dermal Carotenoids in Breast Cancer Operated Patients Provide Evidence for the Positive Impact of a Dietary Regimen Rich in Fruit and Vegetables on Body Oxidative Stress and BC Prognostic Anthropometric Parameters: A Five-Year Study

Dermal carotenoids are a feasible marker of the body antioxidative network and may reveal a moderate to severe imbalance of the redox status, thereby providing indication of individual oxidative stress. In this work noninvasive Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (RRS) measurements of skin carotenoids (skin carotenoid score (SCS)) were used to provide indications of individual oxidative stress, each year for five years, in 71 breast cancer (BC) patients at high risk of recurrence. Patients’ SCS has been correlated with parameters relevant to BC risk, waist circumference (WC), and body mass index (BMI), in the aim of monitoring the effect of a dietary regimen intended to positively affect BC risk f…

research product

Expression Levels and Clinical-Pathological Correlations of HER2/neu in Primary and Metastatic Human Breast Cancer

In this retrospective study we assessed the expression of the HER2/neu oncogene product in a series of 574 consecutive breast cancer cases, all recruited at the Maurizio Ascoli Cancer Center of Civico Hospital, in Palermo, between January 1998 and June 2003. The HER2/neu expression was evaluated using immunohistochemistry and scored from 0 to +3 as per FDA recommendations. The HER2/neu expression levels were related to the clinical-pathological features of the disease, including tumor size, nodal and menopausal status, estrogen and progesterone receptors, and hormonal or chemotherapeutic treatment. In 108 patients with a follow-up period of 3 years or more, the HER2/neu expression was also …

research product

Do multiple oestrogen receptor assays give significant additional information for the management of breast cancer?

In 101 breast cancer patients, measurement of oestrogen receptor status in multiple biopsies across a tumour reveals a highly significant difference in the proportion of patients remaining either disease-free (P less than 0.04) or alive (P less than 0.005), when those with uniformly receptor positive (++) primary tumours are matched with clinically comparable patients whose tumours were homogeneously receptor negative (--). Mean follow-up time was 85 months. The prognostic value of this discriminant is particularly striking in the 53 patients with involved nodes at presentation. Of these, 13 were (++) and seven remain alive of whom six are disease-free, whereas 24 of the 29 (--) patients ar…

research product

Breast Cancer Incidence in the City and Province of Palermo in 1999-2002: A Breast Cancer Registry Report

: The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of breast cancer in women from the city and province of Palermo (Sicily) in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002, using a population-based cancer registry approach. In recent years, a sharp increase of breast cancer incidence has been observed worldwide. Overall, direct age-standardized incidence rates (SIR) were 81.0 per 100,000 person-years, higher in Palermo City (89.4) than in Palermo Province (70.4). Results reported here show a highly significant difference in breast cancer incidence in different areas of Sicily, particularly in the youngest age groups; and a profound difference between the metropolitan area of Palermo and the surrounding area…

research product

Italian cancer figures, report 2013: Multiple tumours

This collaborative study, based on data collected by the network of Italian association of cancer registries (AIRTUM), provides updated estimates on the incidence risk of multiple primary cancer (MP). The objective is to highlight and quantify the bidirectional associations between different oncological diseases. The quantification of the excess or decreased risk of further cancers in cancer patients, in comparison with the general population, may contribute to understand the aetiology of cancer and to address clinical follow-up.Data herein presented were provided by AIRTUM population-based cancer registries, which cover nowadays 48% of the Italian population. This monograph utilizes the AI…

research product

Modulation of oestrogen excretion profiles by adjuvant chemotherapy in pre- and postmenopausal breast cancer.

Modulation of steroid status by conventional chemotherapy was studied in 31 breast cancer patients receiving CMF and in 31 age-matched breast cancer patients without any therapy, taken as controls. This was achieved through the study of oestrogen excretion profiles using previously identified parameters and referring not only to classical but also to the “other”, namely catechol and unusual, oestrogen metabolites. After CMF treatment the premenopausal patients exhibit a modified excretion pattern, mainly concerning a marked and significant reduction of classical oestrogens, as shown by pattern indices. Because there is evidence that oestriol metabolism is not markedly affected by CMF treatm…

research product

Target therapy in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer patients.

The development of new therapeutic strategies, such as monoclonal antibodies directed against human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2), has offered new hopes for women with early breast cancer whose tumors overexpress HER2. We retrospectively analyzed the population-based data of Breast Cancer Registry of Palermo in 2004-2006, and selected 1401 invasive breast cancer cases, nonmetastatic at diagnosis, having HER2/neu oncogene expression determined. We have correlated this information to age, tumor stage at diagnosis (TNM), nodal involvement, and receptor status (ER and PgR). Survival analysis was conducted dividing the patients in two different groups according to date of diagnosis: …

research product

Endocrine therapy of breast cancer. The experience of the Italian Cooperative Group for Chemohormonal Therapy of Early Breast Cancer (GROCTA).

research product

Application of a new classification to a breast tumor series from a population-based cancer registry: demographic, clinical, and prognostic features of incident cases, Palermo Province, 2002-2004 .

A new classification based on gene expression profiling or immunohistochemical (IHC) characteristics may replace current histopathological classifications and predict better clinical outcomes. We used IHC markers to classify incident cases ascertained by the Palermo Breast Cancer Registry (2002-2004) into four subtypes: luminal-A (ER+ or PgR+ and HER2/neu-); luminal-B (ER+ or PgR+, HER2/neu+); basal-like (ER-, PgR-, HER2/neu-); and HER2+/ER- (HER2/neu+, ER-, PgR-). We evaluated HER2/neu, ER and PgR in 1300/1985 (65%) cases. The most common IHC-subtype was luminal-A (68%), whereas luminal-B, basal-like, and HER2+/ER- accounted for 14%, 13%, and 5%, respectively. IHC-subtypes were not associa…

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