Maria Madonia
Isometric Words Based on Swap and Mismatch Distance
An edit distance is a metric between words that quantifies how two words differ by counting the number of edit operations needed to transform one word into the other one. A word f is said isometric with respect to an edit distance if, for any pair of f-free words u and v, there exists a transformation of minimal length from u to v via the related edit operations such that all the intermediate words are also f-free. The adjective 'isometric' comes from the fact that, if the Hamming distance is considered (i.e., only mismatches), then isometric words are connected with definitions of isometric subgraphs of hypercubes. We consider the case of edit distance with swap and mismatch. We compare it…
Unambiguous recognizable two-dimensional languages
We consider the family UREC of unambiguous recognizable two-dimensional languages. We prove that there are recognizable languages that are inherently ambiguous, that is UREC family is a proper subclass of REC family. The result is obtained by showing a necessary condition for unambiguous recognizable languages. Further UREC family coincides with the class of picture languages defined by unambiguous 2OTA and it strictly contains its deterministic counterpart. Some closure and non-closure properties of UREC are presented. Finally we show that it is undecidable whether a given tiling system is unambiguous.