Mikko Jäkälä
From technology engineering to social engineering
Virtual worlds have a long history, and it also includes various technologies. Yet research interest towards them has diverged over the years. It seems that nowadays they are on focus again with the evolution of socially oriented and community-supporting virtual worlds. Instead of technical factors, human factors and the motivation behind the use are highlighted. In this paper, we will briefly review the research efforts made in the 90's, and derive a set of themes that were of interest back then. Next, we will expand the set by arguing for newer themes, identified in the latest information systems literature. These two sets of themes form a basis of a research agenda for studying virtual w…
Communities, Communication, and Online Identities
Social media and online communities offer increased possibilities for connection, interaction and participation but also new media with tools for self-presentation and identity management. Interacting anonymously or eponymously, having one, none or many identities online expresses richness in online communication. Contentious identities for communication are part of everyday online and offline interaction. The authors examine critically five types of online identity and analyse the differences, similarities, advantages, pitfalls, and disadvantages of using them. Examples illustrate the usage of these identity types, clarify possible misconceptions, and provide the reader with an improved un…
Argumentaatio monitieteisen opetuksen edellytyksenä
Monitieteisyys, poikkitieteisyys, tieteidenvälisyys ja tieteiden välisten rajojen tahi raja-aitojen ylittäminen ovat ajan hengen mukaisia käsitteitä opetuksen kehittämisessä. Pohdimme artikkelissamme monitieteisyyden problematiikkaa ja käsitettä sekä monitieteisen opetuksen elementtejä kahden opintojakson avulla. Kirjoittajille monitieteinen opetus avautuu argumentaation, yhteistoiminnan sekä tiedonhankinnan ja -hallinnan taitojen kautta. Esittelemme kaksi opintojaksoa, joista toinen perehdyttää argumentaation ja retoriikan perusteisiin ja toinen teledemokratian ilmiöön. Käytämme näitä kahta sisällöltään ja toteutustavaltaan erilaista opintojaksoa esimerkkinä siitä, millaista etua monitiete…
Mitä on sosiaalisen median sosiaalisuus?
Sosiaalisen median sosiaalisuutta tarkasteltaessa on perusteltua kysyä, onko sosiaalisen median käyttäjä aina sosiaalinen. Millaiseen sosiaalisuuteen sosiaalisen median sovellukset kannustavat? peerReviewed
Cyber-Identities and Social Life in Cyberspace
Information and communication technology gradually transform virtual communities to active meeting places for sharing information and for supporting human actions, feelings and needs. In this chapter the authors examine the conceptual definition of virtual community as found in the traditional cyberliterature and extend it to accommodate latest cybertrends. Similar to the ways that previous social and mass media dissolved social boundaries related to time and space, cyber-communities and social software seem to also dissolve the boundaries of identity. This, in turn, questions the trust, privacy and confidentiality of interaction. The authors present a way of classifying and viewing self-pr…
The Human Context of Information Systems
In its past, IS research has focused on IT and the organizations that use IT. Human issues have been studied in HCI and the Human Factor Studies of MIS. Yet recently a new wave of attention has emerged to focus more explicitly on issues rising from the human context of information systems. Studies in this area are still scattered, but there seems to exist a common paradigmatic orientation in their basic assumptions of human beings and their interaction. The end-users of information systems should be seen holistically as physical, cognitive, emotional, and social beings, whose communication is rich and uses multiple media. These views add to and improve our understanding of information and k…