Vincenzo Sammartano


Coupled hydraulic and electronic regulation of cross-flow turbines in hydraulic plants

The potential benefit of coupling hydraulic and electronic regulation to maximize the energy production of a cross-flow turbine in hydraulic plants is analyzed and computed with reference to a specific case. Design criteria of the cross-flow turbine inside hydraulic plants are first summarized, along with the use of hydraulic regulation in the case of constant water head and variable discharge. Optimal turbine impeller rotational speed is derived, and traditional as well as innovative systems for electrical regulation are presented. A case study is analyzed to evaluate the potential energy production according to the expected monthly mean flow distribution and two possible choices: CFT1 wit…

research product

Analisi fluidodinamica e sperimentale su una turbina Cross-Flow

L'energia idroelettrica è una forma di energia rinnovabile che oggi sta subendo un profondo processo di trasformazione passando da un sistema centralizzato di produzione ad un sistema di tipo distribuito. Tale processo ha dato un forte impulso alla costruzione di impianti di produzione idroelettrici su piccola scala. Questi impianti si possono realizzare: 1) lungo piccoli corsi d'acqua con piccoli salti disponibili, 2) alla fine di lunghe condotte di adduzione in corrispondenza della sezione di consegna ad un serbatoio cittadino, 3) nelle reti di distribuzione idriche dove il carico piezometrico in eccesso si dissipa con valvole di regolazione, 4) a valle di impianti di depurazione nel caso…

research product

Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Cross-Flow Turbine

An important component of the management cost of aqueducts is the energy costs. Part of these costs can be recovered by transforming some of the many existing energy dissipations into electric energy by means of economical turbines. This paper describes an experimental study that has been carried out in order to (1) test the performance of an economical cross-flow turbine that maintains high efficiency within a large range of water discharges, and (2) validate a new approximate formula relating main inlet velocity to inlet pressure. It is demonstrated that the proposed formula, on the basis of some simplifying assumptions, exactly links inlet velocity to inlet pressure with any possible geo…

research product

Studio sperimentale del processo di escavazione a valle del fondo rigido di una struttura di controllo: primi risultati

research product

Cross-Flow Turbine Design For Energy Production And Discharge Regulation

Cross-flow turbines are very efficient and cheap turbines that allow a very good cost/benefit ratio for energy production located at the end of conduits carrying water from a water source to a tank. In this paper a new design procedure for a cross-flow turbine working with a variable flow rate is proposed. The regulation of the head immediately upstream the turbine is faced by adopting a shaped semicircular segment moving around the impeller. The maximum efficiency of the turbine is attained by setting the velocity of the particles entering the impeller at about twice the velocity of the rotating system at the impeller inlet. If energy losses along the pipe are negligible, the semicircular …

research product

MORPHODYNAMIC PROCESSES DOWNSTREAM OF MAN-MADE STRUCTURAL INTERVENTIONS: experimental investigation of the role of turbulent flow structures in the prediction of scour downstream of a rigid bed

Abstract Experimental program was conducted to analyze scour – caused by a horizontal jet downstream of a rigid bed – and the flow velocity and turbulence characteristics within the scour hole. The experimental program was motivated by the fact that the knowledge of flow field, including turbulent characteristics, is fundamental to correctly simulate the bed-load transport and the temporal evolution of the scour hole and, thus, to define protective measures of scouring. In this paper some results of experiments – carried out to understand the role of flow turbulence in the prediction of scouring process and sediment movement – are reported. The analysis is conducted on the basis of detailed…

research product

Photogrammetric survey to measure the bed topography of a laboratory large amplitude meandering channel

research product

Computation of vertically averaged velocities in irregular sections of straight channels

Abstract. Two new methods for vertically averaged velocity computation are presented, validated and compared with other available formulas. The first method derives from the well-known Huthoff algorithm, which is first shown to be dependent on the way the river cross section is discretized into several subsections. The second method assumes the vertically averaged longitudinal velocity to be a function only of the friction factor and of the so-called "local hydraulic radius", computed as the ratio between the integral of the elementary areas around a given vertical and the integral of the elementary solid boundaries around the same vertical. Both integrals are weighted with a linear shape f…

research product

Numerical and experimental investigation of a cross-flow water turbine

ABSTRACTA numerical and experimental study was carried out for validation of a previously proposed design criterion for a cross-flow turbine and a new semi-empirical formula linking inlet velocity to inlet pressure. An experimental test stand was designed to conduct a series of experiments and to measure the efficiency of the turbine designed based on the proposed criterion. The experimental efficiency was compared to that from numerical simulations performed using a RANS model with a shear stress transport (SST) turbulence closure. The proposed semi-empirical velocity formula was also validated against the numerical solutions for cross-flow turbines with different geometries and boundary c…

research product

Experimental Study of Cross-flow Micro-turbines for Aqueduct Energy Recovery

An important component of the management cost of aqueducts is given by the energy costs. Part of these costs can be recovered by transforming some of the many existing energy dissipations in electric energy by means of economic turbines. In this study an experimental work has been carried out: 1) to test the performance of an economic Cross-Flow turbine which maintains high efficiency within a large range of water discharges, and 2) to validate a new approximated formula relating main inlet velocity to inlet pressure. It is proved that the proposed formula, according to some simplifying assumption, exactly links inlet velocity to inlet pressure according to any possible geometry of the Cros…

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Evolution of coherent turbulent structures and relation with bed-forms formation in a straight flume

The present paper describes some results of experimental work carried out in a rectilinear flume to investigate the interactions between flow turbulence and sediment motion. The analysis is conducted through the comparison between the periodicity of turbulent structures evolving along the channel and the wavelength of bed forms (alternate bars) forming on the bed. The occurrence of turbulent events (inward interaction, ejection, sweep and burst) has been verified through the conditioned quadrant analysis. The quantitative information about the spatial and temporal scale of the events has been obtained through the space-time correlations of the conditioned data. The analysis essentially high…

research product

A New Device for Pressure Control and Energy Recovery in Water Distribution Networks

The potential energy of the water in Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) usually exceeds the amount needed for delivery and consumption and, at the present time, it is mainly dissipated through Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) or Open Water Tanks. The present study suggests the use of a new energy-producing device, a Cross-flow turbine with positive outlet pressure named PRS (Power Recovery System), which can provide the same service as PRVs and water tanks, with additional significant hydropower production. After a short presentation of the PRS, the management rules of the proposed device are laid out, according to two possible modes. In the ‘passive’ mode, the piezometric level downstream o…

research product

Cross-flow Turbine Design for Variable Operating Conditions

Abstract The potential energy hidden in water resources is becoming more and more a significant economic value. The value of the hydroelectric energy is often magnified by the proximity of the turbine to pumps or other energy sinks owned by the same water manager. Cross-flow or Banki-Michel turbines are a very efficient and economic choice that allows a very good cost/benefit ratio for energy production located at the end of conduits carrying water from a water source to a tank. In the paper the optimum design of a cross-flow turbine is sought after, assuming a flow rate variable in time. Regulation of the discharge entering in the turbine is a key issue, which is faced adopting a shaped se…

research product

Experimental investigation on Morphodynamic process downstream of a Rigid bed

research product

Costruzione e sperimentazione di una turbina cross-flow per acquedotti

La memoria descrive una nuova micro turbina idraulica con capacità di regolazione della portata, per installazioni in piccoli corsi d’acqua, su acquedotti esistenti o a valle di impianti di depurazione delle acque. Viene inoltre descritta l’installazione del prototipo della turbina nella rete idropotabile di un comune siciliano.

research product

Banki-Michell Optimal Design by Computational Fluid Dynamics Testing and Hydrodynamic Analysis

In hydropower, the exploitation of small power sources requires the use of small turbines that combine efficiency and economy. Banki-Michell turbines represent a possible choice for their simplicity and for their good efficiency under variable load conditions. Several experimental and numerical tests have already been designed for examining the best geometry and optimal design of cross-flow type machines, but a theoretical framework for a sequential design of the turbine parameters, taking full advantage of recently expanded computational capabilities, is still missing. To this aim, after a review of the available criteria for Banki-Michell parameter design, a novel two-step procedure is de…

research product

Experimental Observation Of Turbulent Structures In A Straight Flume

Experimental and theoretical studies of the structure of turbulence in open-channel flows have shown that the dynamics of the wall layer turbulence is dominated by the formation and growth of turbulent structures which evolve periodically as part of the so-called bursting phenomena. In the present paper experimental results obtained in a straight flume for different roughness conditions of the channel walls are described. The occurrence of turbulent events is verified by applying the conditioned quadrant analysis. The information about the spatial and temporal scales of the events is obtained through the space-time correlations of the conditioned data.

research product

Studio sperimentale dell’evoluzione di strutture turbolente in un canale rettilineo di laboratorio per due condizioni di scabrezza delle pareti

Nella presente memoria sono riportati alcuni risultati sperimentali ottenuti in un canale rettilineo di laboratorio utilizzando misure di velocità locale effettuate al fine di analizzare l’evoluzione di strutture turbolente che nascono in prossimità del fondo. L’analisi è effettuata sia in condizione di pareti lisce che in condizione di pareti scabre. L’evoluzione spazio-temporale delle strutture turbolente è stata analizzata applicando l’analisi dei quadranti ed utilizzando la tecnica della media condizionata.

research product

Flow kinematic characteristics in the scour hole downstream of a grade-control structure

research product

Coupled Hydraulic and Electronic Regulation for Banki Turbines

Abstract The potential benefit of coupling hydraulic and electronic regulation to maximize the energy production of a Bank turbine in hydraulic plants is analyzed and computed with reference to a specific case. Design criteria of the Banki turbine inside hydraulic plants are first summarized, along with the use of hydraulic regulation in the case of constant water head and variable discharge at the end of aqueducts feeding water distribution systems. Optimal turbine impeller rotational speed is derived and traditional, as well as innovative systems for electricity production according to controlled rotational speed of the generator are presented. The study case at the purification plant nam…

research product


The present paper describes an experimental investigation on the interactions between flow turbulence and sediment motion. During the experiments, detailed measures of flow velocity components have been carried out using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV). The occurrence of turbulent events (inward interaction, ejection, sweep and burst) has been verified through the conditioned quadrant analysis. The quantitative information about the spatial and temporal evolution of turbulent events has been obtained through the space-time correlations of the conditioned data. As the primary objective was to analyse how turbulent structures influence the bed-forms formation, the spatial scale of turbu…

research product

Identification of Potential Locations for Run-of-River Hydropower Plants Using a GIS-Based Procedure

The increasing demand for renewable and sustainable energy sources has encouraged the development of small run-of-river plants. Preliminary studies are required to assess the technical and economic feasibility of such plants. In this context, the identification of optimal potential run-of-river sites has become a key issue. In this paper, an approach that is based on GIS tools coupled with a hydrological model has been applied to detect potential locations for a run-of-river plant. A great number of locations has been analyzed to identify those that could assure the achievement of different thresholds of potential power. The environmental and economic feasibility for small hydropower projec…

research product

Analysis of the role of turbulent structure in bed-forms formation in a rectilinear flume

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research product

Experimental observation of horizontal coherent turbulent structures in a straight flume

The present paper describes results of laboratory experiments carried out to investigate the evolution of horizontal coherent turbulent structures for different roughness conditions of channel walls. The occurrence of turbulent events (inward interaction, ejection, sweep and burst) is identified through the conditioned quadrant analysis. The filtered data set is used to determine the probability density distribution of each turbulent event. Particular attention is focused on sweep and ejection events and peculiar maps showing the distributions of the horizontal Reynolds shear stress, for each examined experimental condition, are also presented and discussed.

research product

Sediment-flow interactions and effects on bed forms mechanism

Recent experimental works conducted in mobile bed rectilinear flume seem to verify the existence of a correspondence between the spatial periodicity of horizontal turbulent structures evolving in streamwise direction and the wavelength of bed forms (alternate bars) observed on the bed. In this study, the effect of the variation of the bed roughness conditions on the evolution of such horizontal turbulent structures is analyzed. Peculiar results obtained by using flow velocity data collected along the flume both with flat bed and with deformed bed are reported.

research product

A Banki–Michell turbine for in-line water supply systems

The design of a novel Banki-Michell type turbine, to be located in existing water pipelines, is proposed. The turbine has a very efficient diffuser which allows the turbine to be compact and, most important, to have in-line flanges for minimal piping modifications at existing sites. This turbine combines a simple geometry with stable efficiency in a wide range of water discharges. The design procedure estimates the outer diameter of the impeller, its width and the geometry of the diffuser. A series of experimental tests has been carried out to measure the efficiency of the proposed turbine prototype. The turbine was tested in two different configurations, with and without rotational velocit…

research product

Uniform flow formulas for irregular sections

Abstract. Two new methods for uniform flow discharge computation are presented, validated and compared with other available formulas. The first method derives from the well-known Huthoff algorithm, which is first shown to be dependent on the way the river cross-section is discretized into several sub-sections. The second method assumes the vertically averaged longitudinal velocity to be a function only of the friction factor and of the so-called "local hydraulic radius", computed as the ratio between the integral of the elementary areas around a given vertical and the integral of the elementary solid boundaries around the same vertical. Both integrals are weighted with a linear shape functi…

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