Jean-christophe Godin
On List Coloring with Separation of the Complete Graph and Set System Intersections
We consider the following list coloring with separation problem: Given a graph $G$ and integers $a,b$, find the largest integer $c$ such that for any list assignment $L$ of $G$ with $|L(v)|= a$ for any vertex $v$ and $|L(u)\cap L(v)|\le c$ for any edge $uv$ of $G$, there exists an assignment $\varphi$ of sets of integers to the vertices of $G$ such that $\varphi(u)\subset L(u)$ and $|\varphi(v)|=b$ for any vertex $u$ and $\varphi(u)\cap \varphi(v)=\emptyset$ for any edge $uv$. Such a value of $c$ is called the separation number of $(G,a,b)$. Using a special partition of a set of lists for which we obtain an improved version of Poincar\'e's crible, we determine the separation number of the c…
Every triangle-free induced subgraph of the triangular lattice is(5m,2m)-choosable
A graph G is (a,b)-choosable if for any color list of size a associated with each vertex, one can choose a subset of b colors such that adjacent vertices are colored with disjoint color sets. This paper proves that for any integer m>=1, every finite triangle-free induced subgraph of the triangular lattice is (5m,2m)-choosable.