Juha Lamminen

A framework for intention-driven requirements engineering of innovative software products

Requirements engineering is highly challenging particularly when designing innovative software products. This is so because there are no corresponding products, ultimate needs of actors are difficult to capture, the products may have unforeseeable impacts on the actors’ behavior, and it is hard to find out how value-added and competitive the product actually is. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for intention-driven requirements engineering of innovative software products, which combines technological, social and business viewpoints. We illustrate its use with a short example related to the domain of web mapping services and augmented reality. peerReviewed

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Intentiolähtöinen lähestymistapa käytettävyyttä koskevien vaatimusten määrittelyyn : kuluttajamarkkinoille suunnatun innovatiivisen ohjelmistotuotteen vuorovaikutussuunnittelu

research product

A Quantitative Method for Localizing User Interface Problems: The D-TEO Method

A large array of evaluation methods have been propo sed to identify Website usability problems. In log-based evaluation, inform ation about the performance of users is collected and stored into log files, and used to find problems and deficiencies in Web page designs. Most methods require the programming and modeling of large task models, which are cumbersome processes for evaluato rs. Also, because much statistical data is collected onto log files, recognizing which Web pages require deeper usability analysis is difficult. This paper suggests a novel quantitative method, called the D-TEO, for locating problematic Web pages. This semiautoma ted method explores the decomposition of interacti…

research product

Towards Action-Oriented User Interface Design

The ultimate goal of user interface design is to develop a product which people can use to reach their goals. By action we normally refer to our attempts to reach certain goals, and this is why it is natural to think user interface design as an activity we engage in when designing tools, instruments or technologies for people to realize their action goals. This paper suggests a novel action-oriented user interface development method that aims to develop a user interface interaction model. This interaction model is based on an organized tree structure composed of node states with relevant usability-related attributes and operations between the nodes. peerReviewed

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User Psychology in Interaction Design: The Role of Design Ontologies

In the various forms of interaction design, it is essential to analyze, understand, and predict human behavior. This is equally true with devices such as information systems that are meant to interact with people. The importance of these problems has inspired scientists to develop numerous approaches to investigate and explicate human actions. However, they have mainly been characterized by intuitive and folk psychological approaches to the human mentality in interaction. To improve the scientific foundations of design, we present here a psychology-based approach to collecting user knowledge, as well as a related design practice. The former can be called user psychology and the latter the a…

research product

A Quantitative Method for Localizing User Interface Problems : The D-Teo Method

A large array of evaluation methods have been proposed to identify Website usability problems. In log-based evaluation, information about the performance of users is collected and stored into log files, and used to find problems and deficiencies in Web page designs. Most methods require the programming and modeling of large task models, which are cumbersome processes for evaluators. Also, because much statistical data is collected onto log files, recognizing which Web pages require deeper usability analysis is difficult. This paper suggests a novel quantitative method, called the D-TEO, for locating problematic Web pages. This semiautomated method explores the decomposition of interaction t…

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