David Lázaro-gimeno
Balanced Gene Losses, Duplications and Intensive Rearrangements Led to an Unusual Regularly Sized Genome in Arbutus unedo Chloroplasts
Completely sequenced plastomes provide a valuable source of information about the duplication, loss, and transfer events of chloroplast genes and phylogenetic data for resolving relationships among major groups of plants. Moreover, they can also be useful for exploiting chloroplast genetic engineering technology. Ericales account for approximately six per cent of eudicot diversity with 11,545 species from which only three complete plastome sequences are currently available. With the aim of increasing the number of ericalean complete plastome sequences, and to open new perspectives in understanding Mediterranean plant adaptations, a genomic study on the basis of the complete chloroplast geno…
Impacto del ozono troposférico sobre la anatomía foliar de Abies pinsapo Boiss. I.: Estudio de la distribución de daños
RESUMEN. Impacto del ozono troposférico sobre la anatomía foliar de Abies pinsapo Boiss. I: Estudio de la distribución de daños. Con el fin de elaborar unos criterios unificados para la evaluación del impacto del ozono troposférico y compararlos con la respuesta de las poblaciones naturales de Sierra Bermeja y Sierra de las Nieves, se han reproducido en cámaras Open Top, ambientes filtrados y enriquecidos con ozono para realizar una caracterización microscópica del daño que produce el ozono troposférico sobre Abies pinsapo Boiss. Los resultados demuestran que pese a que la morfología foliar permanece inalterada tras someter durante un mes en condiciones de 30 ppb durante 8 horas al día, a n…
Evolutionary Trends in the Mitochondrial Genome of Archaeplastida: How Does the GC Bias Affect the Transition from Water to Land?
[EN] Among the most intriguing mysteries in the evolutionary biology of photosynthetic organisms are the genesis and consequences of the dramatic increase in the mitochondrial and nuclear genome sizes, together with the concomitant evolution of the three genetic compartments, particularly during the transition from water to land. To clarify the evolutionary trends in the mitochondrial genome of Archaeplastida, we analyzed the sequences from 37 complete genomes. Therefore, we utilized mitochondrial, plastidial and nuclear ribosomal DNA molecular markers on 100 species of Streptophyta for each subunit. Hierarchical models of sequence evolution were fitted to test the heterogeneity in the base…