Marcel Bergmann
Quantum error correction against photon loss using multi-component cat states
We analyse a generalised quantum error correction code against photon loss where a logical qubit is encoded into a subspace of a single oscillator mode that is spanned by distinct multi-component cat states (coherent-state superpositions). We present a systematic code construction that includes the extension of an existing one-photon-loss code to higher numbers of losses. When subject to a photon loss (amplitude damping) channel, the encoded qubits are shown to exhibit a cyclic behaviour where the code and error spaces each correspond to certain multiples of losses, half of which can be corrected. As another generalisation we also discuss how to protect logical qudits against photon losses,…
Heralded creation of photonic qudits from parametric down conversion using linear optics
We propose an experimental scheme to generate, in a heralded fashion, arbitrary quantum superpositions of two-mode optical states with a fixed total photon number $n$ based on weakly squeezed two-mode squeezed state resources (obtained via weak parametric down conversion), linear optics, and photon detection. Arbitrary $d$-level (qudit) states can be created this way where $d=n+1$. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate our scheme for $n=2$. The resulting qutrit states are characterized via optical homodyne tomography. We also discuss possible extensions to more than two modes concluding that, in general, our approach ceases to work in this case. For illustration and with regards to pos…
Quantum error correction against photon loss using NOON states
The so-called NOON states are quantum optical resources known to be useful especially for quantum lithography and metrology. At the same time, they are known to be very sensitive to photon losses and rather hard to produce experimentally. Concerning the former, here we present a scheme where NOON states are the elementary resources for building quantum error correction codes against photon losses, thus demonstrating that such resources can also be useful to suppress the effect of loss. Our NOON-code is an exact code that can be systematically extended from one-photon to higher-number losses. Its loss scaling depending on the codeword photon number is the same as for some existing, exact los…
Ultrafast Long-Distance Quantum Communication with Static Linear Optics
We propose a projection measurement onto encoded Bell states with a static network of linear optical elements. By increasing the size of the quantum error correction code, both Bell measurement efficiency and photon-loss tolerance can be made arbitrarily high at the same time. As a main application, we show that all-optical quantum communication over large distances with communication rates similar to those of classical communication is possible solely based on local state teleportations using optical sources of encoded Bell states, fixed arrays of beam splitters, and photon detectors. As another application, generalizing state teleportation to gate teleportation for quantum computation, we…
Hybrid quantum repeater for qudits
We present a "hybrid quantum repeater" protocol for the long-distance distribution of atomic entangled states beyond qubits. In our scheme, imperfect noisy entangled pairs of two qudits, i.e., two discrete-variable $d$-level systems, each of, in principle, arbitrary dimension $d$, are initially shared between the intermediate stations of the channel. This is achieved via local, sufficiently strong light-matter interactions, involving optical coherent states and their transmission after these interactions, and optical measurements on the transmitted field modes, especially (but not restricted to) efficient continuous-variable homodyne detections ("hybrid" here refers to the simultaneous expl…
Entanglement criteria for Dicke states
Dicke states are a family of multi-qubit quantum states with interesting entanglement properties and have been observed in many experiments. We construct entanglement witnesses for detecting genuine multiparticle entanglement in the vicinity of these states. We use the approach of PPT mixtures to derive the conditions analytically. For nearly all cases, our criteria are stronger than all conditions previously known.