J. Gutiérrez-pérez
Detection of NOTCH1 mutations in paraffin samples in patients with potentially malignant lesions
On certain occasions, oral cancer is preceded by potentially malignant lesions. The degree of dysplasia in Guinea pigs attempts to determine the risk of developing a malignant lesion. The search for genetic mutations, biomarkers, as a more truthful and re
Analysis of psychic imbalance, caused by screening of a video of surgical extraction of a lower third molar in a sample of mental patients as compared to the general population
The goal of this study is to validate the psychometric properties of the Hamilton Rating Scales for anxiety and depression. These two scales will be used to analyze anxiety and depression, seven days before, after and seven days after screening of a video showing ex-traction of a lower third molar in four different strata of the sample: mixed disorder, anxiety dis-order, adaptive disorder, and no mental disorder.A prospective study was performed of 240 Caucasian subjects ages 18-70 in a psychiatry outpatient clinic in Malaga. The study was ap-proved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Seville. Following interviews with a psychiatrist and completion of the Hamilton scales, …