Tarja Nykänen

Diet Macronutrient Composition, Physical Activity, and Body Composition in Soldiers During 6 Months Deployment

Introduction: Optimal diet together with good physical fitness maintains readiness and military performance during longer deployments. The purpose of this study was to describe changes in dietary macronutrient and energy intake, total physical activity and body composition during a 6-month deployment in South Lebanon. Furthermore, associations of diet macronutrient intake and physical activity on body composition were also studied. - Materials and Methods: Forty male soldiers kept a 3-day food diary and their body composition was measured via bioimpedance and ultrasonography. Total physical activity was evaluated by accelerometers in a subgroup of participants. Measurements were conducted i…

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Can Physiological and Psychological Factors Predict Dropout from Intense 10-Day Winter Military Survival Training?

Background: In the military context, high levels of physiological and psychological stress together can compromise individual&rsquo

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Proteiiniaineenvaihdunta ja sen tutkiminen isotooppi-infuusio -menetelmällä

Tarja Nykänen, 2001. Proteiiniaineenvaihdunta ja sen tutkiminen isotooppi-infuusio - menetelmällä. Liikuntafysiologian pro gradu -tutkielma. Jyväskylän yliopisto, liikuntabiologian laitos. 74s. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia proteiiniaineenvaihdunnan tutkimuksessa käytettävän isotooppi-infuusio -menetelmän toistettavuutta ja tarkkuutta sekä osoittaa sitä käyttäen maksimivoimaharjoituksen aiheuttavan muutoksen proteiiniaineenvaihdunnan muuttujissa. Menetelmä perustuu kolmiallasmalliin, 'joka kuvaa aminohappojen liikettä kolmen eri aminohappoaltaan; valtimon, laskimon ja lihaksen välillä. Menetelmässä koehenkilöön infusoidaan suonensisäisesti isotoopilla leimattua aminohappoa. Lepomittau…

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Changes in Body Composition, Energy Metabolites and Electrolytes During Winter Survival Training in Male Soldiers

The aim of this study was to examine changes in body composition, energy metabolites and electrolytes during a 10-day winter survival training period. Two groups of male soldiers were examined: the REC group (n = 26; age 19.7 ± 1.2 years; BMI 23.9 ± 2.7) had recovery period between days 6 and 8 in the survival training, whereas the EXC group (n = 42; age 19.6 ± 0.8 years; BMI 23.1 ± 2.8) did not. The following data were collected: body composition (bioimpedance), energy balance (food diaries, heart rate variability measurements), and biomarkers (blood samples). In survival training, estimated energy balance was highly negative: −4,323 ± 1,515 kcal/d (EXC) and −4,635 ± 1,742 kcal/d (REC). Be…

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Energy Balance, Hormonal Status, and Military Performance in Strenuous Winter Training

Severe energy deficit may impair hormonal regulation and physical performance in military trainings. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between energy intake, expenditure, and balance, hormones and military performance during a winter survival training. Two groups were studied: the FEX group (n = 46) had 8-day garrison and field training, whereas the RECO group (n = 26) had a 36-h recovery period after the 6-day garrison and field training phase. Energy intake was assessed by food diaries, expenditure via heart rate variability, body composition by bioimpedance, and hormones by blood samples. Strength, endurance and shooting tests were done for evaluating military perform…

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Diet Macronutrient Composition, Physical Activity, and Body Composition in Soldiers During 6 Months Deployment

Abstract Introduction Optimal diet together with good physical fitness maintains readiness and military performance during longer deployments. The purpose of this study was to describe changes in dietary macronutrient and energy intake, total physical activity and body composition during a 6-month deployment in South Lebanon. Furthermore, associations of diet macronutrient intake and physical activity on body composition were also studied. Materials and Methods Forty male soldiers kept a 3-day food diary and their body composition was measured via bioimpedance and ultrasonography. Total physical activity was evaluated by accelerometers in a subgroup of participants. Measurements were conduc…

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Associations of nutrition and body composition with cardiovascular disease risk factors in soldiers during a 6-month deployment

Objectives This observational follow-up study investigated the associations of nutrition and body composition with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, including pro-inflammatory biomarkers, in soldiers during a 6-month deployment. Material and Methods Thirty-five male soldiers were assessed at months 0, 3 and 6, and their parameters, i.e., M±SD, were as follows: age 30.0±8.7 years, height 179±6 cm, and BMI 24.2±2.5 kg/m 2 . Three-day food diaries were used for monitoring macronutrient intake. Body composition was estimated using bioimpedance. Fasting blood samples for lipids and pro-inflammatory biomarkers were collected, and blood pressure measurements were performed. Results Carboh…

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