P Colletti
Bone Mineral Status in HIV infected Patients in Mediterranean Region: Preliminary Data
Liver disease severity and low bone mineral density in HIV mono-infected and HIV/HCV co-infected patients
Background: In this study we assess: prevalence of osteopenia, osteoporosis and reduced bone mineral density in HIV infection and HIV / HCV co-infection;risk factors associated with reduced bone mineral density(BMD); relationship between bone mineral density and reduced liver fibrosis (FE) measured as "liver stiffness" (LS), by FibroScan ® in patients co-infected with HIV / HCV; relationship between reduced bone mineral density and cardiovascular risk assessed with the 10-year Framingham risk score (FRS) in HIV / HCV co-infected Patients And Methods: One hundred and ninety-four HIV-infected subjects (121 males =62% and 73 females = 38 %): 129 HIV-infected ( 66.5 % ) and 65 HIV / HCV co-infe…