Vincenzo Genna
Influenza della specie foraggera pascolata sulla produzione di latte ovino
Effetti della specie foraggera e della tecnica di pascolamento sulla produzione di latte ovino.
L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di valutare gli effetti del pascolamento su specie botaniche differenti, utilizzando sia il sistema continuo che quello turnato, sulla produzione di latte ovino. Le risorse foraggere utilizzate erano rappresentate dalla sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.), da un erbaio in consociazione di trifoglio alessandrino (Trifolium alexandrinum) ed avena (Avena sativa) e da un prato di cicoria (Cichorium intybus). Sono state utilizzate 40 pecore in lattazione suddivise in 5 gruppi omogenei, ciascuno assegnato ad uno dei seguenti trattamenti: pascolamento continuo su sulleto; pascolamento turnato su sulleto; pascolamento continuo su consociazione; pascolamento turn…
Effect of legume grains as a source of dietary protein on the quality of organic lamb meat.
BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the effects on lamb growth, carcass traits and meat quality of replacing conventional soybean meal in the diet with alternative legume grains. RESULTS: Twenty-eight male lambs of Comisana breed weighing 16.9 ± 2.7 kg at weaning (66 ± 6 days old) were assigned to one of four diets. Until slaughter at 129 ± 6 days of age, each group received ad libitum pelleted alfalfa hay and concentrates differing in the source of protein: chickpea, faba bean, pea or soybean meal. Lambs fed chickpea showed higher dry matter and protein intakes from concentrate than those fed soybean. Lambs' growth, carcass weight and net dressing percentage did not vary by protein source, al…
Effects of continuous and rotational grazing of different forage species on ewe milk production
Abstract The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of continuous and rotational grazing of different forage species on milk production in ewes. The forage species were chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), a mixture of oat (Avena sativa L.) and berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), and sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.). Forty ewes were divided into 5 groups, and subjected to one of the following treatments: continuous grazing on chicory, continuous grazing on the mixture, continuous grazing on sulla, rotational grazing on the mixture, or rotational grazing on sulla. Among the species continuously grazed, chicory showed a lower biomass than the mixture, or sulla. Ewes grazing chicor…
Zootecnia: uno studio per l’integrazione alimentare con granelle prodotte localmente.
La gestione dell’alimentazione dei ruminanti in produzione biologica e riflessi sulle proprietà nutraceutiche dei prodotti
Il concetto di Giustizia in John Rawls
Incidence of long COVID-19 in people with previous SARS-Cov2 infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 120,970 patients
The long-term consequences of the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) are likely to be frequent but results hitherto are inconclusive. Therefore, we aimed to define the incidence of long-term COVID signs and symptoms as defined by the World Health Organization, using a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. A systematic search in several databases was carried out up to 12 January 2022 for observational studies reporting the cumulative incidence of long COVID signs and symptoms divided according to body systems affected. Data are reported as incidence and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Several sensitivity and meta-regression analyses were performed. Among 11,162 papers …
L’impiego alimentare di orzo germinato nella produzione di latte ovino biologico
Food use of barley sprouts in organic sheep milk production. Hydroponic forage, used when fresh forage is scarce, represents a good alternative feed for milking ruminants, also in organic farming systems, where it can reduce the forage/concentrate ratio. This study evaluated the effect of barley sprouts (BS) in the diet on nutrients utilization and milk production from organic ewes. Eighteen ewes were divided into 3 groups and fed with 3 diets. Animals was fed with hay ad libitum and supplemented by: 0.6 kg/d of concentrate and 4 kg/d of BS (B100); 0.9 kg/d of concentrate and 2 kg/d of BS (B50); 1.2 kg/d of concentrate (C). Supplied and residual feeds and milk yield were recorded and sample…
The paper aims to analyse the environment of the Nebrodi’s Natural Park (Sicily) and the economic effects on the territory and on its inhabitants. In a recent vision, the economic development doesn't depend only from the availability of economic resource but it also depends from the so-called “extra-economic”resources, such as the social and cultural context, the political and social integrational degree, the know-how, the entrepreneurial offer and the services to enterprises. Today natural parks represent a “big box” in which nature, landscape, culture and traditions are, at the same time, “preserved” and “invested” for an economic growth. Moreover, the institution of the natural park - wh…