Paolo Lo Bue
Il libro di testo Lineamenti di Entomologia in Agricoltura Biologica vuole essere un sussidio, un filo conduttore, nell’introduzione allo studio dell’entomologia agraria, con un occhio di riguardo alle problematiche riscontrabili nelle produzioni in regime di agricoltura biologica. Il testo, infatti, presenta le caratteristiche per fornire un valido supporto didattico agli studenti iscritti ai corsi di studio delle lauree in Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Agroalimentari e Forestali, che affrontano insegnamenti di entomologia agraria. Non di meno, l’attenzione posta ad approfondire aspetti relativi ai mezzi e ai metodi di controllo può renderlo uno strumento valido anche per gli studenti che …
Potential effects of Bacillus thuringiensis against adults and older larvae of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus.
Stato fisiologico delle femmine del Punteruolo rosso delle palme ottenute dal monitoraggio e dalla cattura massale
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a pest from Southeast Asia accidentally introduced into North Africa and Europe two decades ago. In Sicily, RPW was recorded for the first time in 2005, then, in few years, it established becoming the most severe pest of ornamental palm species in urban, monumental and country areas. In this paper, we first report the history of its introduction and spread. Then, we reviewed the preventative and curative strategies that have been implemented with variable degrees of success in containing the invasive alien pest. Finally, we focus on the development of new strategies to detect early infestations and …
Laboratory and field studies to test the attractiveness of the Red Palm Weevil to synthetic palm esters
Sex pheromone compounds mediating host specificity in the egg parasitoid Telenomus busseolae Gahan.
Impiego di tecniche elettroantennografiche per lo studio dei composti semiochimici attivi nei confronti del Punteruolo rosso delle palme.
Responses of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus adults to selected synthetic palm esters: electroantennographic studies and trap catches in an urban environment
BACKGROUND: The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier, accidentally introduced into the European countries facing the Mediterranean basin, is becoming the most serious pest for ornamental palms in the urban environment. In the present work, tests were conducted on the electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioural responses of RPW adults to five selected synthetic palm esters, ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl lactate and ethyl acetate, to assess the application of a mass trapping technique in an urban environment. RESULTS: In the laboratory, EAG bioassays on RPW adults with the synthetic palm esters showed: (1) positive dose-dependent responses; (2) di…
La cattura massale degli adulti del Punteruolo rosso nel comune di Marsala
Un anno di cattura massale del punteruolo rosso nei comuni di Marsala (TP) e Grottammare (AP) con informazioni sulle condizioni fisiologiche delle femmine
La tecnica della cattura massale ha lo scopo di eliminare il maggior numero possibile di individui della specie dell’insetto che si vuole combattere. Nei casi in cui l’attrattivo feromonale induca comportamenti di aggregazione, come il feromone prodotto dai maschi del Punteruolo rosso delle palme, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), nelle trappole vengono attirati individui di entrambi i sessi. Lo stato fisiologico delle femmine catturate influenza fortemente l’impatto della cattura massale sullo sviluppo demoecologico dell’insetto. Infatti, se le trappole catturano per lo più femmine che hanno già ovideposto il ruolo della cattura massale diviene meno apprezzabile. Nell’aprile del 2008 so…
Dinamica di popolazione di Aphis gossypii possibile vettore del Virus della Tristeza in un agrumeto della Sicilia occidentale
Tra le specie di afidi che attaccano gli agrumi in Sicilia, Aphis spiraecola Patch, Toxoptera aurantii (B.d.F) e Aphis gossypii Glover rivestono importanza economica, essendo presenti dalla primavera all’autunno con livelli di infestazione molto alti. Oltre ai danni legati all’attività trofica, tutte e tre le specie primarie, sono in grado di trasmettere il virus della Tristeza (CTV); in bibliografia l’efficienza è considerata alta nel caso di A. gossypii e poco rilevante nel caso delle altre due specie. La trasmissibilità del CTV, oltre che dalla specie vettrice, dipende da diversi fattori quali, le specie di Citrus donatrici o recettrici, la virulenza dell'isolato del virus, il comportame…
Behaviour-modifying compounds for management of the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineusOliver)
BACKGROUND Populations of red palm weevil (RPW), a severe pest of palms in Mediterranean countries, might be limited by semiochemical-based behaviour-disrupting methods. We evaluated the effects of electroantennogram (EAG)-active plant volatiles on the behaviour of RPWs from Italy and Israel. In field experiments, α-pinene, citronellol, geraniol, citral and 1-octen-3-ol were tested for their ability to disrupt attraction to pheromone–kairomone and molasses baited traps. Those that were found to be disruptive in the field were evaluated in a laboratory choice bioassay in individual cages for their effect on RPW female feeding and oviposition. RESULTS Field experiments showed reduced captures…
Lures for red palm weevil trapping systems: aggregation pheromone and synthetic kairomone
Background The optimisation of the lure is essential for the implementation of trapping systems to control insect pests. In this work, the response of the red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier, to increasing emission rates of its aggregation pheromone (ferrugineol) and the efficacy of a convenient synthetic kairomone based on fermentation odours (ethyl acetate and ethanol) have been evaluated in different years and locations along the Mediterranean basin. Results In general, although capture data and emission had noticeable variability among locations, significantly fewer RPW were captured in pyramidal Picusan® traps with the lowest ferrugineol emission rates tested (0.6-…
Noise effects in biological systems
Impiego di insetticidi di origine vegetale per il contenimento delle popolazioni di Bagrada hilaris nei cappereti panteschi
Bagrada hilaris, nota con il nome di Cimice delle crocifere, è un Eterottero Pentatomide dannoso al cappero nell’isola di Pantelleria. Per verificare la possibilità di utilizzare insetticidi a basso impatto ambientale per il contenimento delle popolazioni di questo fitofago, sono state condotte prove in laboratorio e in campo con due insetticidi di origine vegetale, Show e Neemik, e un insetticida di sintesi, Decis Jet, utilizzato come controllo. Nel 2004 sono state condotte prove in laboratorio atte a definire i valori di CL70 e le curve dose-risposta a diverse concentrazioni di formulato commerciale. Nel biennio 2005-06, l’efficacia degli insetticidi è stata valutata con prove in campo ef…
Asphondylia gennadii (Marchal) fitofago dannoso al cappero nelle isole minori della Sicilia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
Assessment of synthetic chemicals for disruption of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus response to attractant-baited traps in an urban environment
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is one of the most severe pests of ornamental palm species in urban areas of Mediterranean countries. Aiming to discover inhibitory semiochemicals for RPW population management in urban environments, we conducted electroantennographic (EAG) screenings of 17 commercially available synthetic compounds, representing three groups of plant volatiles (isoprenoids, phenyl propanoid derivatives and fatty acid derivatives) known for their repellent effects toward insects. These tests were followed by trap-based screenings of EAG-active menthone, alpha-pinene and methyl salicylate, singly and in combination, und…
Guilds of herbivore insects of medicinal and aromatic plants are generally composed by poliphagous insects that only occasionally are present at high infestation levels. In this paper the main insect pests observed on Capper spinosa (L.) in Sicily are described. The key pests of this crop are Capparimyia savastani (Martelli) – (Diptera: Tephritidae), Asphondylia gennadii (Marchal) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), and, the painted bug Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Infestations of other insect pests are also occasionally recorded as the case of the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), in the island of Ustica; the cabbage butterfly, P…
Responses of Aphytis chilensis to the synthetic sex pheromone of the Oleander scale
Outcomes of intraguild interactions between two egg parasitoids in field and semi-field conditions
Intraguild interactions between two egg parasitoids, Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) and Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Vassiliev) exploring egg masses of the Southern Green Stink Bug Nezara viridula (L.) were investigated in field and semi-field conditions. Field trials were conducted in tomato fields by using sentinel and naturally laid egg masses in 2010 and 2011. Egg parasitoids monitoring, by sentinel egg masses placed weekly on plants during the tomato growing season and recollected one week later, showed that T. basalis occurs from June to October, whereas O. telenomicida occurs mainly in July and August. In the same fields, collections of naturally laid egg masses display different types o…
Diaspis echinocacti (Bouchè) un temibile fitofago delle cactacee
Host specificity in the egg parasitoid Telenomus busseolae is mediated by sex pheromone compounds
Several studies showed that egg parasitoids are able to detect host sex pheromones produced by adult hosts as a host cue. In this way female wasps are directed toward an area where host mating is in progress and where an oviposition has probably taken place or is soon to occur. Telenomus busseolae Gahan (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is a solitary egg parasitoid of various noctuids (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) belonging to the genera Sesamia. In field observations, it has been demonstrated that T. busseolae reacts to the pheromone emitted by females of the corn stalk borer, Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebvre) and the pink stem borer, Sesamia calamistis (Hampson). It is known that the sex pheromone prod…
La cattura di adulti del Punteruolo rosso delle palme con trappole a feromone e allomoni in ambiente urbano
In questo lavoro sono presentati i risultati di un anno di catture di adulti di Punteruolo rosso delle palme, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), con trappole a feromone e allomoni collocate nel comune di Marsala (TP). In totale sono state sistemate 47 trappole ad una distanza media di circa 200 m. Le trappole sono state innescate con feromone di aggregazione (ferrorule), acetato di etile (10 % /H2O), e melassa (10 % /H2O), ed ispezionate settimanalmente per il periodo aprile 2008 – aprile 2009. Le trappole sono state disposte lungo la costa della città(N=21), e lungo una linea che attraversa il centro cittadino (N=26). In totale sono stati catturati 4010 adulti, con un numero complessivo …
Assessment of synthetic chemicals for disruption of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus attraction
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is currently one of the most severe pests of Canary palms in urban areas of Mediterranean countries and Date palms in cultivated areas of the Middle East. RPW aggregation pheromone can be implemented for both monitoring and mass trapping, however risks of RPW "spillover" onto palms is of great concern. Aiming to discover repellent semiochemicals for safer RPW population management, we conducted electroantennographic (EAG) screenings of 17 commercially available synthetic compounds. These compounds represent three groups of plant volatiles (isoprenoids, phenyl propanoid derivatives and fatty acid deriv…
Rhynchophorus ferrugineus: Behavior, Ecology, and Communication
Red palm weevil (RPW) ecology is characterized by the adults' ability to aggregate on palms. The aggregation process has the functions of protection, feeding, and reproduction for the individuals. Semiochemicals and visual cues strongly influence this behavior at intraspecific and interspecific levels. Adults actively fly over long distances, following chemical cues, such as aggregation pheromone and host plant odor, or visual cues to colonize a new host. The aggregation pheromone of RPW is a male-produced mixture of 4-methyl-5-nonanol (major component) and the related ketone 4-methyl-5-nonanone (minor component). These compounds are largely used in the field to lure males and especially fe…
Bacillus thuringiensis as a biological control agent for the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Oliv.)(Coleoptera, Curculionidae)
Il controllo dei fitofagi in agricoltura biologica: alcune problematiche e il caso studio dell'olivicoltura
Individuazione e applicazione di composti volatili repellenti per il controllo delle popolazioni del punteruolo rosso delle palme
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is one of the most severe pests of ornamental palm species in urban areas of Mediterranean countries. The cryptic nature of the weevil, and the gaps in our knowledge of its biology and ecology, hamper the development of efficient and sustainable strategies to limit its diffusion. Control strategies based on semiochemicals can be considered a suitable alternative for RPW population management, particularly in urban areas. Nevertheless these strategies might be improved by broadening our knowledge of behavior modifying stimuli suitable for adult manipulation, such as repellent chemical compounds. A first…
Dinamica di popolazione dei fitofagi causa del "cimiciato delle nocciole" nel Parco dei Nebrodi (ME) con particolare attenzione a Gonocerus acuteangulatus (Goeze)(Hemiptera: Coreidae)
Controllo naturale dei fitofagi del fico d’India in Sicilia
Indagini di laboratorio sulla patogenicità di Bacillus thuringiensis nei confronti del Punteruolo rosso delle palme
Prove di lotta contro Aspidiotus nerii Bouchè (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in un limoneto biologico della Sicilia occidentale.
Members of the WRKY gene family are upregulated in Canary palms attacked by Red Palm Weevil
The Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, is one of the major pests affecting several palm species all around the world. The aim of this work was to identify palm genes that are responsive to RPW infestations as a valuable diagnostic tool to detect the insect attack. We have analysed a total of 15 genes that were divided in two subsets: (1) 7 genes previously linked with RPW attacks, but not involved in biotic stress responses, and (2) 8 genes encoding members of the WRKY family, a class of transcription factors well-known to be linked with both abiotic and biotic stress responses. The analysis was conducted on 4-year-old Canary palms comparing uninfested plants and infested pla…
Responses of Metaphycus sp. nr. flavus to semiochemicals released from a scale host, Coccus hesperidum
Metaphycus sp. nr. flavus (Encyrtidae: Hymenoptera) is a parasitoid species collected from the Mediterranean region which lays its eggs in the immature stages of several economically important soft scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccidae), including brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum L. (= host insect). Preliminary tests suggested that the parasitoid is most successful in producing offspring when it oviposits in the younger stages of brown soft scale. In Y-olfactometer bioassays measuring wasp choices and residence times, naïve parasitoids were significantly more attracted to yucca leaves infested with 26, 27, or 28 d-old scale than to uninfested leaves, whereas leaves with older (29-30 d-old) …
Assessment of synthetic chemicals for disruption of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus attraction in an urban environment
The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is currently one of the most severe pests of Canary palms in urban areas of Mediterranean countries and date palms in cultivated areas of the Middle East. RPW aggregation pheromone can be implemented for both monitoring and mass trapping however risks of RPW 'spillover' onto palms is of great concern. Aim of this work was to discover repellent semiochemicals for RPW population management in urban environments. For this purpose we conducted electroantennographic (EAG) screenings of 17 commercially available synthetic compounds, representing three groups of plant volatiles (isoprenoids, phenyl propanoid …
La Tecnica della microestrazione in fase solida (SPME) per l'analisi quantitativa e qualitativa dei feromoni sessuali degli insetti fitofagi: il caso della Cocciniglia bianca del limone
Responses of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus adults to selected synthetic palm esters: electroantennographic studies and trap catches in an urban environment
The Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier, accidentally introduced in the European countries facing the Mediterranean basin, is becoming the most serious pest for ornamental palms in the urban environment. In our work we tested electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioural responses of RPW adults to five selected synthetic palm esters: ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl lactate and ethyl acetate. EAG bioassays showed higher sensitivity of female antennae compared to male antennae for test compounds. Differences were also recorded in the EAG responses using different esters and doses. Ethyl propionate was the synthetic ester that elicited the strongest r…