Donas Kp

Endograft (VORTEC) reconstruction of aortic branches allowing endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysm.

research product

Periscopes, chimneys, sandwich and VORTEC to facilitate abdominal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair

The VORTEC (VIABAHN open revascularization technique) and the chimney graft technique are tools with which to maintain or restore blood flow to the aortic branches and can be used intentionally or as a bailout procedure in open surgery or endovascular procedures. VORTEC is a stent graft-based vascular connection technique that achieves end-to-end anastomosis configuration; it is especially useful when the traditional suture technique proves (can be) cumbersome. It is also a speedy tool with virtually no blood flow interruption and no anastomotic bleeding, and patency rates compare favorably with sutured anastomosis. The chimney/periscope, as well as the sandwich graft technique (CHIMPES), i…

research product

Chimney endografting for pararenal aortic pathologies using transfemoral access and the lift technique

Purpose: To present a technique for transfemoral implantation of parallel grafts into the renal arteries in patients with anatomy or morphology that blocks standard antegrade chimney graft delivery. Technique: In a totally percutaneous approach, a 5-F pigtail angiographic catheter is passed into the aorta above the renal arteries via a 0.035-inch hydrophilic guidewire, followed by an 8-F sheath. The target vessel is cannulated with the hydrophilic wire followed by a 5-F reverse curve catheter; the wire is changed for a Rosen wire. The main stent-graft body is delivered and parked at the level of the aortic bifurcation. The Viabahn chimney endograft is advanced ~1 to 2 cm into the target ren…

research product