Silvia La Rosa
Characterization of the 3D printing process for fine-grained soils
The purpose of this study was to explore the 3D printing process of fine-grained soils with a geomechanichal approach. In particular, identifying the factors (including geomechanical characteristics of the soil, geometry of the problem, and 3D printer settings) that influence the behavior of 3D printed samples. To answer this question, three groups of materials differing in mineralogy, consistency limits and consistency, and three types of equipment have been used – an extruder and two 3D printers – to widely investigate the behaviour of the fine-grained soils when subjected to the process. First, the extrusion process has been studied finding that the parameter to take into account to pred…
Comportamento idro-meccanico di terreni estrusi
Il processo di estrusione dei terreni a grana fina rappresenta uno tra i processi alla base dei metodi di stampa 3D dei terreni. Nel seguente contributo si sono scelti dei terreni adatti a tale scopo e si è studiato come le variabili dipendenti dal processo di stampa, quali la pressione applicata e la dimensione dell’ugello influissero sul materiale estruso.