Monica La Spada
Abnormal liver function in brucellosis
We assessed the prevalence of impaired liver function in 47 patients suffering from brucellosis consecutively admitted to our department over the last five years. Parameters of liver function and ultrasound of the upper abdomen were performed at entry and at the end of treatment. On admission, mean transaminase values were elevated and significantly higher than at recovery (p 0.001): 38 percent and 53 percent of patients had elevated baseline values of GOT and GPT vs 13 and 19% at the end of treatment, respectively. Mean serum values of alkaline phosphatase (AP) were within normal limits on admission, although in 12 of them serum values were elevated. The same proportion was seen for gamma-…
Insufficienza renale acuta in paziente con HCC recentemente sottoposto a chemioembolizzazione transarteriosa
Abdominal US evaluation in celiac disease before and after a gluten-free diet
Utilità della misurazione elastografica nei pazienti HCV e HIV positivi nella valutazione della fibrosi epatica avanzata
Drammaturgia di un prurito
Long-term follow-up of hepatitis C virus-positive patients with persistently normal serum transaminases
Material and methods. This study prospectively evaluated the progression of liver disease in a group of anti-HCV-positive patients with persistently normal ALT levels (PNALT) who were HCV-RNA positive. Patients selected for this study were those who presented with PNALT according to the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF) criteria in the year 1995/96 and underwent liver biopsy. They were divided into two groups according to their ALT evolution. Forty-five patients were included in this study. Results. After a median follow-up time of 180 months twenty-five of them maintained PNALT, but two of these developed liver cirrhosis (LC) in a mean time of 174 and 202 months, respec…
Interessamento epatico in corso di febbre bottonosa del Mediterraneo
In this study we retrospectively assessed the prevalence of impaired liver function in all 49 patients suffering from Mediterranean Spotted Fever (MSF) consecutively admitted to our department over the last four years. The main parameters of liver function and ultrasound of upper abdomen were performed at entry and at the end of treatment. At admission mean values of transaminases were above the normal limits and significantly higher when compared to mean serum levels at recovery. 55% and 51% of patients had serum values of GOT and GPT, respectively, above the normal limits versus 1% and 2% at the end of treatment. Mean serum values of alkaline phosphatase (AP) were within the normal limits…
Insufficienza renale acuta in paziente con carcinoma epatocellulare sottoposto a chemioembolizzazione transarteriosa
Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is included among the wide therapeutic tools for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), tumour with high frequency and malignancy. The approach is invasive and, beyond the discomfort for the patient, it is charged by a number of side effects and complications. In this study we report the case of renal acute failure of hypovolemic origin, as a consequence of a TACE in a patient suffering from HCC, occurred after one week of intervention. The different possible mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of this complication are discussed.