Chien-yeah Seng
Reduced uncertainty of the axial $\gamma Z$-box correction to the proton's weak charge
We present the fully up-to-date calculation of the $\gamma Z$-box correction which needs to be taken into account to determine the weak mixing angle at low energies from parity-violating electron proton scattering. We make use of neutrino and antineutrino inclusive scattering data to predict the parity-violating structure function $F_3^{\gamma Z}$ by isospin symmetry. Our new analysis confirms previous results for the axial contribution to the $\gamma Z$-box graph, and reduces the uncertainty by a factor of~2. In addition, we note that the presence of parity-violating photon-hadron interactions induces an additional contribution via $F_3^{\gamma \gamma}$. Using experimental and theoretical …
Weak charge and weak radius of ${}^{12}$C
We present a feasibility study of a simultaneous sub-percent extraction of the weak charge and the weak radius of the ${}^{12}$C nucleus using parity-violating electron scattering, based on a largely model-independent assessment of the uncertainties. The corresponding measurement is considered to be carried out at the future MESA facility in Mainz with $E_{\rm beam} = 155$ MeV. We find that a combination of a $0.3\%$ precise measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry at forward angles with a $10\%$ measurement at backward angles will allow to determine the weak charge and the weak radius of ${}^{12}$C with $0.4\%$ and $0.5\%$ precision, respectively. These values could be improved to $0.…