B. Lapparent
Mesures de la température et spatialisation de l’Ilot de Chaleur Urbain à Dijon
The Territorial Climate Energy Plan (PCET) of the agglomeration of Dijon (Grand Dijon) includes ameasurement campaign (6 June to 28 September 2014). 50 Hobo proV2 thermometers were deployed. The selection of siteswas carried out so that the different types of urban environment (Oke, 2006) are documented. The Urban Heat Island (UHI)is discernible mainly at night, when radiative conditions are well established the day before. It is estimated to 1°C onaverage for the summer, 3-4°C during nights of fine weather. It reached 6°C during the warmest periods of the 2014 summer.A cool axis through the agglomeration shows that vegetation and water can sensibly mitigate the ICU effect.
Analysis of cloudiness and solar radiation diurnal cycles for a better understanding of the forests greenness mean annual cycle in Central Africa.
To better understand the Central Africa forests sensitivity toclimate variability, we jointly analyse the mean annual cycles of greenness, rainfall, cloudiness and solarradiation for the target region 0-5°N/12-19°E using high resolution satellite data. Our results demonstrate theimportance of the diurnal scale for understanding the mean annual cycles of rainfall, cloudiness and solarradiation and the way they shape those of forest greenness. They also suggest that whereas the March-Mayrainy season appears optimal for greenness especially because of favorable light conditions, water availabilityis the main controlling factor in December-January the main dry season and in February at the star…