Giuseppe Macaluso
Effects of confinement level, cross-section shape and corner radius on the cyclic behavior of CFRCM confined concrete columns
Abstract The main results of an experimental research aiming to investigate the behavior of medium-size low-strength concrete columns wrapped with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (CFRCM) under monotonic and cyclic compressive axial loads are presented. Thirty columns with circular, square and rectangular cross-sections were tested under monotonic and cyclic axial loads to investigate the effect of the confinement level, the cross-section shape and the corner radius on the stiffness, strength, and ductility of CFRCM confined concrete columns under cyclic loads. The results prove that CFRCM confining jackets provide substantial gain in compressive strength, deformability and absor…
Analisi Sperimentale del Comportamento Ciclico di Elementi in Calcestruzzo a Bassa Resistenza Confinati con FRCM
Vengono riportati i principali risultati di una campagna sperimentale finalizzata alla caratterizzazione della risposta sotto carichi assiali ciclici di colonne di calcestruzzo a bassa resistenza con sezione circolare, quadrata e rettangolare, rinforzate con fibre di carbonio immerse in matrice cementizia (CFRCM). Sono state condotte prove di compressione assiale su 30 campioni di altezza 600 mm, 10 a sezione cilindrica di diametro 300 mm, 10 quadrata di lato 200 mm, e 10 rettangolare di lato 200x400 mm. Le prove sono finalizzate a indagare gli effetti del carico ciclico, della forma della sezione, del raggio di curvatura degli spigoli e del numero di strati di tessuto di rinforzo sul legam…
Influenza dei Fenomeni Attritivi nella Risposta Strutturale di Colonne in c.a. Rinforzate con Incamiciatura in Acciaio: Confronto numerico-sperimentale e Predizione Analitica della Capacità
L'incamiciatura metallica di pilastri in c.a. mediante angolari e calastrelli (steel jacketing) è una tecnica comunemente adottata, per migliorare la capacità resistente e deformativa di edifici esistenti. Nel caso in cui gli angolari non siano direttamente posti in contatto con le zone nodali (in corrispondenza di travi e solai), la definizione del modello computazionale della sezione trasversale deve essere gestita con cautela poiché differente è il regime di trasferimento degli sforzi che si instaura. Nel caso di applicazione di uno strato intermedio di malta fra acciaio e calcestruzzo, l'effettiva capacità di carico degli angolari è funzione della pressione di laterale confinamento, del…
Efficiency of Stress-Strain Models of Confined Concrete With and Without Steel Jacketing to Reproduce Experimental Results
The improvement and the capacity assessment of existing buildings has become the main topic of the last years so that different studies can be found devoted to damaged structures or structures not having a capacity compatible with the safety levels of the actual codes. Reinforced concrete framed structure buildings represent a conspicuous rate of the existing constructions so many efforts are addressed to them. Referring to this type of buildings, a good prediction of strength and deformation capacity requests models able to interpret the constitutive law of concrete confined by internal reinforcement or by eventual external reinforcement applied to increase capacity of cross-sections. Cons…
Definition of Seismic Vulnerability Maps for Civil Protection Systems: The Case of Lampedusa Island
The opportunity to locate and quantify the major criticalities associated to natural catastrophic events on a territory allows to plan adequate strategies and interventions by civil protection bodies involved in local and international emergencies. Seismic risk depends, most of all, on the vulnerability of buildings belonging to the urban areas. For this reason, the definition, by a deep analysis of the territory, of instruments identifying and locating vulnerability, largely favours the activities of institutions appointed to safeguard the safety of citizens. This paper proposes a procedure for the definition of vulnerability maps in terms of vulnerability indexes and critical peak ground …
Evaluation of infilled frames: an updated in-plane-stiffness macro-model considering the effects of vertical loads
The influence of masonry infills on the in-plane behaviour of RC framed structures is a central topic in the seismic evaluation and retrofitting of existing buildings. Many models in the literature use an equivalent strut member in order to represent the infill but, among the parameters influencing the equivalent strut behaviour, the effect of vertical loads acting on the frames is recognized but not quantified. Nevertheless a vertical load causes a non-negligible variation in the in-plane behaviour of infilled frames by influencing the effective volume of the infill. This results in a change in the stiffness and strength of the system. This paper presents an equivalent diagonal pin-jointed…
Simplified analytical models for compressed concrete columns confined by FRP and FRCM system
In order to consider the response of concrete columns confined by FRP and FRCM system, proper models have to be formulated. In this context the present paper shows a generalized criterion for the determination of the increase in strength, in ductility and in dissipated energy for varying corner radius ratio of the cross section and fiber volumetric ratio. The procedure is based on the best fitting of several experimental data and unlike the usual empirical approaches available in the literature, the proposed technique relates the confinement effectiveness to a single parameter representative of the relative stiffness between the original concrete core and the reinforcement system. Furthermo…
Definition of diagonal Poisson's ratio and elastic modulus for infill masonry walls
The prediction of the response of infilled frames through the simplified approach of substituting the infill with an equivalent pin-jointed strut is treated. In this framework the results of an experimental study for the mechanical characterization of different types of masonry infills having the aim of estimating strength, Young modulus and Poisson's ratio are presented. Four types of masonry were investigated and subjected to ordinary compressive tests orthogonally to the mortar beds and along the directions of the mortar beds. The experimental campaign confirmed the possibility of using an orthotropic plate model for prediction of the Poisson's ratio and Young modulus along the diagonal …
Masonry infills and RC frames interaction: Literature overview and state of the art of macromodeling approach
The issue of the influence of masonry infills within RC frames structures has been widely investigated in the last decades by several researchers. The large interest addressed to this topic depends on the actual observation that when in presence of seismic events, the response of framed structures is strongly conditioned by the interaction with the infill walls, which however are considered as non-structural elements and not included in the models. The influence of masonry infills role in structural response is so much relevant to affect not only the overall strength and the stiffness but it may also radically change the possible collapse mechanisms of the overall structural complex under t…
Risposta teorico - sperimentale di colonne presso-inflesse in c.a. in assenza e in presenza di rinforzi
The deformation performance of the base cross sections of reinforced concrete buildings is fundamental when large seismic events occur allowing the structure to have large excursions in nonlinear field and guaranteeing an overall ductile behaviour. It is well known that the axial force acting on columns significantly reduces the curvature capacity of the sections and for this reason the technical codes give design criteria stating a limitation in order to preserve the displacement capacity. It is also recognized that when biaxial bending occur the cross section undergo a loss in strength capacity. Starting the study of from Bresler (1960), which provided suitable expression to predict 3D li…
Core-drilling technique is nowadays always more frequently performed in existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures in order to investigate on the mechanical properties of concrete and for structural health monitoring purposes. Even if the engineering practice discourages to drill columns, this can be often unavoidable. In this last case the presence of the circular opening influences the compressive behavior of the column in terms of load-carrying capacity and axial deformability. The goal of this investigation was the experimental evaluation of the effects induced by circular openings on the behavior of RC columns. 24 reinforced and plain concrete prisms in presence of circular openings …
La Stima dei Moduli Elastici delle Murature Secondo le Norme Tecniche: il Confronto con la Sperimentazione
Nel presente lavoro viene proposto uno studio sperimentale per la caratterizzazione meccanica di diverse tipologie di muratura. Vengono in particolare valutati i moduli elastici longitudinali e tangenziali che come è noto condizionano la risposta di sistemi murari sotto carichi laterali. I valori sperimentali sono confrontati con quelli stimabili per mezzo dei modelli proposti dalle normative tecniche italiana (DM 14/01/2008) e europea (Eurocodice 6). Lo studio prende spunto dalla questio posta dalla norma americana (MSJC 2008) che, pur proponendo l’uso di tali modelli, riconosce la poca sperimentazione eseguita a supporto della loro validazione. La campagna sperimentale ha incluso prove di…
Cyclic axial testing of columns confined with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix
A Strategy for the Prediction of the Response of Hysteretic Systems: A Base for Capacity Assessment of Buildings under Seismic Load
A statistical non linearization method is used to approximate systems modeled by the Bouc differential equa- tion and excited by a Gaussian white noise external load. To this aim restricted potential models (RPM) are used, which are suitable for an extended number of nonlinear problems as have been proved several times. Since the solution of RPM is known by the probabilistic point of view, all statistical characteristics can be derived at once with advantages by the computational point of view. Hence, this paper discusses the possibility to determine sets of parameters characterizing po- tential models that are valid for describing a hysteretic behavior. In this way the characterization of …
Attendibilità dei modelli per la valutazione dei moduli elastici delle murature suggeriti dalle norme tecniche
In this paper the results of an experimental investigation aimed to the assessment of Young moduli, rigidity moduli and other mechanical properties for different types of masonry are shown. The mechanical characteristics predicted by models proposed by some technical codes were compared against experimental data. This study was motivated by the suggestion of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee's (MSJC) code that, while proposing the use of such models, acknowledges the lack of testing in support of their validation. The experimental investigation has included compressive tests on components (blocks and mortar), diagonal compressive tests and ordinary compressive tests (orthogonally to bed…
Biaxial deformation and ductility domains for engineered rectangular RC cross-sections: A parametric study highlighting the positive roles of axial load, geometry and materials
Abstract Axial load and biaxial bending strongly influence the deformation capacity of column cross-sections, in most cases causing a non-negligible loss of curvature and ductility with respect to the case of pure bending along principal axes, commonly assumed as the basic condition to assess the inelastic capacity. In consideration of this the paper investigates the biaxial deformation performance of RC rectangular cross-sections belonging to one-dimensional elements, focusing on the influence of some parameters as the cross-section aspect ratio and the distribution of the rebars, as well as the mechanical characteristics of concrete and steel and the impact of biaxial/axial stresses. In t…