Bagarello V.


La conducibilità idraulica alla saturazione, KS, è un parametro fondamentale per la simulazione del flusso idrico nel suolo. La memoria illustra un approccio sperimentale per la stima della KS laterale alla scala di versante. La metodologia proposta è stata applicata in due aree contigue ricoperte, rispettivamente, da macchia mediterranea e prato. Sono stati registrati i livelli di falda e i deflussi idrici sottosuperficiali, e queste misure sono state usate per il calcolo della KS del suolo tramite l’equazione di Darcy. Il monitoraggio è stato effettuato durante il periodo piovoso compreso tra gennaio e giugno 2014. In aprile, inoltre, sono state eseguite prove di pioggia artificiale con i…

research product

Testing the shape-similarity hypothesis between partide-size distribution and water retention for sicilian soils

Application of the Arya and Paris (AP) model to estimate the soil water retention curve requires a detailed description of the particlesize distribution (PSD) but limited experimental PSD data are generally determined by the conventional sieve-hydrometer (SH) method. Detailed PSDs can be obtained by fitting a continuous model to SH data or performing measurements by the laser diffraction (LD) method. The AP model was applied to 40 Sicilian soils for which the PSD was measured by both the SH and LD methods. The scale factor was set equal to 1.38 (procedure AP1) or estimated by a logistical model with parameters gathered from literature (procedure AP2). For both SH and LD data, procedure AP2 …

research product

Hydrodynamic response of a loam soil after wetting with different methods

Different points in a field can be wetted with different natural or artificial rainfall amounts and intensities. Therefore, a non-uniform soil wetting could occur during short-term monitoring of soil hydrodynamic parameters and its global effect on soil characterization is not easily predictable. For an initially dry loam soil, a sequence of three beerkan infiltration runs was performed at fixed sampling points in a period of two weeks. Immediately after the first beerkan run, the soil was perturbed by adding an additional water volume differing with the sampling point by the amount of water (0, 100 or 227 mm) and the application methodology (rainfall simulation, another beerkan run). As co…

research product