Massimo Limoncelli
Nuove ricerche a Solunto (2021)
New researches in Solunto (2021) · The paper presents an overview of the ongoing researches in Solunto by the University of Palermo. In 2021 stratigraphical sondages were undertaken in two areas of the town: 1) in the great sanctuary above the theatre, in the frame of a major project aimed at addressing several still unresolved issues. That area, as a matter of fact, has never been considered as a whole; the sacred buildings have not been studied, and their mutual relationships and the links with the adjacent terraces have never been properly examined; 2) in the North Baths near the agora, as a corollary of the systematic study of water management, some sondages were made by G. Polizzi. Fin…
La ricostruzione tridimensionale e il restauro virtuale di una tomba etrusca dipinta dell’Etruria meridionale interna: la “Grotta Dipinta” di Pranzovico (Viterbo)
[EN] The paper concerns the 3D reconstruction and virtual restoration of a painted rock-cut chamber tombs located in the interior of Southern Etruria (Viterbo Province, Central Italy). The tomb was discovered in 1901 in a place named Pranzovico and it dates from the mid-fifth century BC; it has a cross plan with central atrium (decorated with paintings) and three chambers in which there are the rock-cut funerary beds. The paintings have been largely destroyed by illegal excavators in the days immediately following the discovery; during the 20th century it was damaged due to agricultural works in the surroundings and now it is partially filled up. Its 3D reconstruction is based on the scarce…
Indagini nell'area ad ovest del Tempio della Vittoria ad Himera
Himera: New investigations in the area West of the Tempio della Vittoria · The University of Palermo has started a new cycle of field investigations in the “lower town” of Himera, with the aim of answering some questions about the relationships between the Tempio della Vittoria, the residential districts, and the agora, that remained to be clarified after the important results produced by the studies on the urban development of the Greek city over the past forty years. This paper presents some initial results and research perspectives from the first excavation soundings and geophysical survey of 2021. The first findings strongly suggest that the agora extended much further south than previo…
“Sources of Research” for the Virtual Reconstruction of Ancient Monuments: The Case of Architectural Models
The use of architectural scale models, also known by the French word maquette or the Italian names plastico or modello, is an ancient practice, which prob-ably began when architecture emerged from its purely practical and utilitarian phase to become a formal category of knowledge with specifically sought-after and deliber-ately selected characteristics, linked to the increased dimensions and the enrichment of forms [1]. The model constitutes a representation, generally on a smaller scale and made of different materials but similar in effect, of a work to be created. Models are made of various materials, in accordance with the tastes of Scholars and with need, such as wood, wax, terracotta, …
Virtual Hierapolis: tra tecnicismo e realismo
[ES] Una de las principales actividades de la MAIER tiene como objetivo desarrollar una línea de investigación dirigida a la restauración virtual y la reproducción 3D de los antiguos monumentos de la ciudad romana de Hierápolis de Frigia, Turquía. El proyecto, llamado "Virtual Hierápolis, se ha desarrollado gradualmente en las últimas tres temporadas de excavación (años 2007-2009) y ha madurado a partir de las primeras experiencias de la RV aplicada a este sitio en años anteriores. Esta investigación, coordinada por el Director de la misión italiana, prof. F. D'Andria, y llevada a cabo en el Laboratorio de Tecnologías de la Información (ITLab) dell'IBAM-CNR de Lecce (Italia), implica unidad…
Il progetto di Archeologia Virtuale ad Alesa Arconidea
The Virtual Archaeology project at Alesa Arconidea · Virtual Archeology is the field of application that finalizes the use of information technologies for the knowledge, enhancement and communication of the archaeological heritage. It deals with the reconstruction of artifacts, buildings, landscapes of the past through three-dimensional models, hypertexts and multimedia solutions. The goal of Virtual Archeology is to promote the development of formalized investigation procedures and methodologies to acquire, represent, process and communicate data while producing new information and research tools that go beyond traditional forms and bring a contribution to the progress of the studies and p…
Il restauro virtuale dei sistemi decorativi e studio ricostruttivo dell’insula
Il presente contributo rientra nell’ambito di in una più vasta linea di ricerca denominata “Progetto Hierapolis Virtuale”, sviluppata a partire dal 2007 e finalizzata alla ricostruzione tridimensionale degli edifici della città. A differenza di altre ricerche condotte sui monumenti di Hierapolis, l’attuale studio riguarda solamente una singola fase edilizia dell’insula, relativa alla grande stagione monumentale di età protobizantina riferibile a un periodo posto tra il VI e la prima metà del VII secolo. Tale scelta è stata dettata unicamente dalla quantità e dalla qualità dei dati archeologici utili ad uno studio ricostruttivo il più possibile scientifico per contribuire ad una maggiore con…
Lo studio ricostruttivo della Torre Mozza nel castello Carlo V di Lecce: dall'analisi dei dati materiali alla restituzione in 3D
The multi-year research activity, carried out under the direction of the Chair of Medieval Archaeology of the University of Salento, has allowed the realization of this work of digital survey and virtual reconstruction of the so-called Tower Mozza in the castle of Charles V in Lecce
Rilievo e ricostruzione virtuale del Ponte Sud di Hierapolis di Frigia (Turchia)
[ES] El artículo se refiere al levantamiento topográfico y la reconstrucción en 3D de un puente-acueducto romano situado inmediatamente al sur de Hierápolis, en Frigia (suroeste de Turquía), a lo largo del antiguo camino dirigido a Colosas, en el interior de Anatolia. Actualmente sólo se conservan su pilar sur y escasos restos del pilar norte. Se encuentra en una situación muy difícil, en el interior de un valle estrecho y profundo, y nunca se ha estudiado antes. Durante la campaña de trabajo de campo de 2011 de la Misión Arqueológica Italiana, fue examinado con un diferencial de alta precisión del sistema GPS (para la documentación del plan y su posicionamiento en el mapa digital arqueológ…