Leonarda Fazio

Nuove ricerche a Solunto (2021)

New researches in Solunto (2021) · The paper presents an overview of the ongoing researches in Solunto by the University of Palermo. In 2021 stratigraphical sondages were undertaken in two areas of the town: 1) in the great sanctuary above the theatre, in the frame of a major project aimed at addressing several still unresolved issues. That area, as a matter of fact, has never been considered as a whole; the sacred buildings have not been studied, and their mutual relationships and the links with the adjacent terraces have never been properly examined; 2) in the North Baths near the agora, as a corollary of the systematic study of water management, some sondages were made by G. Polizzi. Fin…

research product

3D survey and modelling of the main portico of the Cathedral of Monreale

3D survey and modelling of Cultural Heritage allow to store a great deal of 3D data that can be managed for different purposes. 3D models can be used for documentation, restoration and knowledge of historic architectures and monuments. In this work, a 3D survey of the main portico of the Cathedral of Monreale (Palermo, Italy) was carried out. The paper presents the data acquisition process and the 3D modelling phase. The work is aimed to reconstruct a 3D model that could be used also to set up an HBIM (Heritage or Historic Building Information Modelling) of the main portico. The result of this study could be considered as a first test to implement an HBIM platform for the whole monumental c…

research product

Ricostruzione virtuale dei resti archeologici: sperimentazione di approcci integrati innovativi per lo studio e la valorizzazione dell’area sacra dell’insula III di Lilibeo

Il progetto di cui si presentano i risultati è rivolto all’ambito delle Scienze applicate al Patrimonio culturale e, nella fattispecie, all’applicazione di metodologie e tecnologie innovative di ricostruzione virtuale di supporto allo studio, alla valorizzazione e alla fruizione innovativa dei beni archeologici. Esso ha richiesto, per l’acquisizione delle competenze necessarie alla sua conduzione, lo svolgimento di uno stage presso la Virtutim srl in Roma, per la formazione all’uso delle tecniche di rilievo 3D e dei software di grafica e modellazione virtuale con cui sono stati realizzati i contenuti multimediali presentati di seguito, nonché un periodo di studio all’estero, presso l’Instit…

research product

The Virtual Reconstruction of the Aesculapius and Hygeia Statues from the Sanctuary of Isis in Lilybaeum: Methods and Tools for Ancient Sculptures’ Enhancement

Thanks to recent technological developments in 3D surveys, computer graphics and virtual reality, new scenarios have been opened for the documentation and enhancement of ancient sculptures. When not totally preserved, sculptures can be digitally reproduced, modified and visualized to simulate their physical or virtual reconstruction in a non-invasive way for specialists or for dissemination aims. The virtual sculptural reconstruction process starts usually from the 3D survey of real fragments, and then continues by integrating missing parts with 3D modelling techniques by means of source evaluation. Along with primary data sources (reality-based model), secondary data sources (photos, drawi…

research product


Abstract. Despite the consistent development of approaches aimed at the virtual reconstruction of whole houses or archaeological monuments, the variety of technologies involved in virtual reconstruction procedures and the complexity of a rigorous process to provide validation models, seems to limit a univocal and shared standards adoption. For example, compared to the large number of contributions on the virtual reconstruction of whole architectures or cultural heritage sites, only a few works have proposed a rigorous workflow specific to mosaics and ancient floors and to their virtual reconstruction. The goal of this work is to present the first results on the virtual reconstruction of the…

research product

Levantamiento 3D para el estudio arqueológico y la reconstrucción virtual del Santuario de Isis en la antigua Lilybaeum (Italia)

[EN] In recent years, the use of three-dimensional (3D) models in cultural and archaeological heritage for documentation and dissemination purposes has increased. New geomatics technologies have significantly reduced the time spent on fieldwork surveys and data processing. The archaeological remains can be documented and reconstructed in a digital 3D environment thanks to the new 3D survey technologies. Furthermore, the products generated by modern surveying technologies can be reconstructed in a virtual environment on effective archaeological bases and hypotheses coming from a detailed 3D data analysis. However, the choice of technologies that should be used to get the best results for dif…

research product


The work aims to investigate the main steps of a virtual reconstruction process of ancient statues, inspecting theoretical and technical approaches. Two fragmentary Roman statues from the "Sanctuary of Isis", inside the Archaeological Park of Lilibeo-Marsala (Italy), were chosen as a case study. Trying to preserve the original artwork authenticity and the transparency of the reconstruction method, a workflow was developed following three steps: 1) 3D survey and reality based model production; 2) evaluation of reconstruction hypotheses based on a rigorous selection of reference sources; 3) 3D modelling and source-based model creation. Three models for multiple visualization purposes were car…

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