Carole Pfister
Réponses des cellules de Nicotiana tabacum à des molécules microbiennes : évènements de signalisation précoce, influence de la dynamique membranaire et flux de sucres
In their natural environment plants are in close interaction with beneficial, neutral, or pathogenic microbes, which are highly dependent on carbon resources exuded by plant roots. Sugar transport, which is a key process of plant physiology, is essential to support the fate of plant-microbe interactions. During evolution, plants have acquired the ability to perceive microbial molecules, initiating specific signal transduction cascades and leading to adapted response for microbe lifestyles (avirulent, virulent, or benefic). Plant survival will depend on the nature of the induced mechanisms. My PhD work, carried out on a simplified experimental system, contributes to the understanding of mech…
Identification of putative interactors of arabidopsis sugar transporters
Identification of Putative Interactors of Arabidopsis Sugar Transporters
International audience; Hexoses and disaccharides are the key carbon sources for essentially all physiological processes across kingdoms. In plants, sucrose, and in some cases raffinose and stachyose, are transported from the site of synthesis in leaves, the sources, to all other organs that depend on import, the sinks. Sugars also play key roles in interactions with beneficial and pathogenic microbes. Sugar transport is mediated by transport proteins that fall into super-families. Sugar transporter (ST) activity is tuned at different levels, including transcriptional and posttranslational levels. Understanding the ST interactome has a great potential to uncover important players in biologi…
NO signaling in cryptogein-induced immune responses in tobacco
SPEIPM; International audience
Étude de la régulation des calmodulines de Nicotiana tabacum par le monoxyde d’azote
Rapport de stage de Master II R SPE IPM; Master
Analyse des interactions trophiques entre les plantes et les microorganismes par des biosenseurs de sucres
Réponses des cellules de Nicotiana tabacum à des molécules microbiennes : évènements de signalisation précoce, influence de la dynamique membranaire et flux de sucres
Responses of Nicotiana tabacum cells to microbial molecule treatments: early signaling events,influence of membrane dynamics, and sugar fluxesIn their natural environment plants are in close interaction with beneficial, neutral, or pathogenicmicrobes, which are highly dependent on carbon resources exuded by plant roots. Sugar transport, which isa key process of plant physiology, is essential to support the fate of plant-microbe interactions. Duringevolution, plants have acquired the ability to perceive microbial molecules, initiating specific signaltransduction cascades and leading to adapted response for microbe lifestyles (avirulent, virulent, or benefic).Plant survival will depend on the…
Dynamics of sugar transports in tobacco-microbe interactions
Mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires et ingénierie écologique des mycorhizes à arbuscules
SPEIPM; La mycorhize à arbuscules (MA) est une symbiose mutualiste entre des champignons telluriques (Gloméromycètes) et 80% des plantes terrestres, dont la majorité des plantes de culture. Elle est apparue il y a environ 475 millions d’années. Ce chapitre synthétise les connaissances actuelles sur les systèmes de transport impliqués dans les échanges de nutriments (avec un accent mis sur les échanges de carbone, azote, phosphate et soufre) entre les deux partenaires, ainsi que le prélèvement de ces nutriments par le champignon depuis le sol. Le chapitre adresse également le potentiel en ingénierie écologique de la MA dans le cadre d’une agriculture agroécologique.