Ventimiglia Caterina

I diritti sociali quali espressione della sovranità del popolo e dell'individuo nell'ordinamento giuridico globale. Oltre la crisi dello Stato e dell'economia.

The contribution aims to deepen the evolution of the legal debate on social rights, in relation to the evolution of the Welfare State and the dynamics of conditioning of public policies affecting the recognition of the fundamental legal nature and effectiveness of social rights. In particular, the reflection proposes the framing of social rights as an expression of the sovereignty of the people and the primacy of the person in the juridical order.

research product

Territorio e comunità nel prisma della rigenerazione urbana: tendenze evolutive e nuovi modelli giuridici

In the national legal system, the legal debate highlights a particular attention to the subject of the territorial government, with respect to which the fourth generation regional legislators have experimented with new tools and new legal models, enhancing the participation of citizens in decision-making processes. In this context, the codification of a "city law" is discussed which, in the analysis carried out, is deepened by verifying the contents of the regional disciplines compared, which demonstrate, also, the absence of adequate valorisation of cultural heritage in local public policies.

research product

Burocrazia e questione amministrativa

Analyzing the paths of the legal system, emerges a constant and, also, increasing intensification of critical voices with respect to the effective ability of the Public Administration to carry out its multiple tasks. The contribution investigates the characteristics of the bureaucratic body since the early years of the Republic and, the profile pertaining to the conservative philosophy of which the bureaucracy proves to be the bearer, highlighting the interpretative readings that have had the merit of predicting and identifying the visual angle and the objects of investigation, to be considered equally essential in the juridical reflection on the mapping, in diachronic projection, of the "a…

research product

L'energia e l'aspetto organizzativo degli interessi pubblici: modelli cooperativi e dimensioni di complessità

L'energia costituisce il settore economico che partecipa in misura rilevante all'instaurazione ed al funzionamento del mercato unionale, aperto e concorrenziale, anche in funzione della politica di coesione economica e territoriale. L'energia è, altresì da considerare quale merce, soggetta alla prima delle libertà fondamentali del Trattato CE. I prodotti ed i servizi energetici costituiscono da tempo il terreno giuridico d'intervento dell'azione comunitaria per la promozione della concorrenza e la garanzia di un servizio al miglior prezzo ed alle migliori condizioni. Sotto la spinta comunitaria, la disciplina di tale settore economico mantiene sullo sfondo l'abbandono graduale del modello m…

research product

La valutazione della performance nella Sanità: un'indagine comparata

The theme of the administrative organization presents specialty profiles in the study subject of health, in which the emergency issue of inequalities requires further investigation of this profile, already characterized by a very high rate of differentiation, due to regionalization and corporatization of the SSN. This contribution aims to develop a comparative analysis of a further third level of organizational differentiation, which is manifested in the discipline and application of the performance evaluation, introduced of d. lgs. n.150/2009 through the analysis of the specialty elements that connote the performance in healthcare (objective, instrumental and subjective profile, method and…

research product

Amministrazione di risultati e certezza del diritto: una lettura contemporanea

The contribution deals with the analysis and historical vision of the dysfunctions of the Administration, the evolutionary dynamics of the same public duty as an organization and administrative function, which also constitutes the frame of reference and the conceptual substrate to approach the most recent and complete theorizing, positivization of the legal formula of the Administration of results that, by now, for twenty years, has progressively established itself as a general category. In particular, the season of change that has marked the evolution of the Administration of results is deepened, starting from the unprecedented interpretative operation of definition and synchronization – i…

research product

Imprese collegate e joint ventures

The evolution and functioning of economic and financial markets have influenced the development of various forms of aggregation and entrepreneurial collaboration, aimed at offering goods and services petitive and to face the rules of competition in the comune. In particular, in the discipline of public contracts, the phenomenon of collaboration and the legal flexibility that distinguishes it is peculiar relief: over time, even European law has marked - in national laws - the introduction of disciplines aimed at regulating some forms of collaboration. In this context, moreover, new boundaries related to the scope of application of the principles and the discipline of the entrustments public …

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