J Michaelis

Spontaneous platelet aggregation as a predictive risk factor for vascular occlusions in healthy volunteers? Results of the HAPARG Study

The HAPARG Study (haemostatic parameters as risk factors in healthy volunteers) was performed in a subset of volunteers taking part in the MARISK Study (Mainzer Risikoindikatoren Studie fur die koronare Herzkrankheit) sponsored by the German Ministry of Research and started in 1984. A previous study (Yamanishi et al., Thromb Haemostas 1985;54:539-543) had shown that spontaneously enhanced platelet aggregation as measured with the PAT-III-test and higher fibrinogen concentrations are significant risk factors for new vascular occlusions in diabetic patients. It was the aim of the HAPARG Study to establish whether spontaneous platelet aggregation and other hemostatic variables are independent …

research product

Elements of Significance Testing with Equivalence Problems

AbstractThe paper outlines an approach to the general methodological problem of equivalence assessment which is based on the classical theory of testing statistical hypotheses. Within this frame of reference it is natural to search for decision rules satisfying the same criteria of optimality which are customarily applied in deriving solutions to one- and two-sided testing problems. For three standard situations very frequently encountered in medical applications of statistics, a concise account of such an optimal test for equivalence is presented. It is pointed out that tests based on the well-known principle of confidence interval inclusion are valid in the sense 1 of guaranteeing the pre…

research product

Bewertung der Umsetzung des Bundeskrebsregistergesetzes und seiner langfristigen Folgen

research product

Pseudonyms for Cancer Registries

AbstractIn order to conform to the rigid German legislation on data privacy and security we developed a new concept of data flow and data storage for population-based cancer registries. A special trusted office generates a pseudonym for each case by a cryptographic procedure. This office also handles the notification of cases and communicates with the reporting physicians. It passes pseudonymous records to the registration office for permanent storage. The registration office links the records according to the pseudonyms. Starting from a requirements analysis we show how to construct the pseudonyms; we then show that they meet the requirements. We discuss how the pseudonyms have to be prote…

research product