Constantino Morera Pérez
Recurrent Meningitis Associated With Duane Syndrome Type 1
We present the case of a 17-month-old male patient with a bilateral Duane syndrome type 1 associated to unilateral cochleovestibular dysplasia, perilymphatic fistula and recurrent meningitis. Diagnosis was carried out by MRI and CT scan. His management and treatment are described, as well as the postoperative evolution. We believe this is an exceptional case due to the low frequency of this syndrome, as well as to the otoneurological complications.
Meningitis de repetición asociada a síndrome de Duane tipo 1
Resumen Presentamos el caso de un paciente varon de 17 meses con sindrome de Duane tipo 1 bilateral asociado a displasia cocleovestibular unilateral, fistula perilinfatica y meningitis de repeticion. El diagnostico se realizo mediante TC de penascos y RM cerebral. Se describe su manejo y tratamiento, asi como la evolucion postoperatoria. Debido a la poca frecuencia de este sindrome, asi como a la de sus complicaciones de tipo otoneurologico, consideramos que se trata de un caso excepcional.