Tommaso Moramarco
Continuous Discharge Monitoring Using Non-contact Methods for Velocity Measurements: Uncertainty Analysis
At gauged site, water stage and discharge hydrographs can be related also during unsteady flow conditions, using the one-dimensional diffusive hydraulic model, DORA, and exploiting sporadic surface velocity measurements carried out with a radar sensor, during the rising limb of the flood. Indeed, starting from the measured surface velocity, the application of a simplified entropic velocity distribution model allows obtaining the benchmark discharge for the Manning’s roughness calibration. The aim of this work is twofold. First, to address the uncertainty of the approach. Second, to detect the minimum water level along the rising limb in which the occasional surface velocity measurement shou…
The discharge hydrograph estimation in rivers based on reverse routing modeling and using only water level data at two gauged sections is here extended to the most general case of significant lateral flow contribution, without needing to deploy rainfall-runoff procedures. The proposed methodology solves the Saint-Venant equations in diffusive form also involving the lateral contribution using an ‘head driven’ modeling approach where lateral inflow is assumed to be function of the water level at the tributary junction. The procedure allows to assess the discharge hydrograph at ends of a selected river reach with significant lateral inflow, starting from the stage recorded there and without n…
Dip Phenomenon in High-Curved Turbulent Flows and Application of Entropy Theory
The estimation of velocity profile in turbulent open channels is a difficult task due to the significant effects of the secondary flow. The present paper investigates the mechanism of the velocity-dip phenomenon, whereby the location of the maximum velocity appears to be below the free surface. Previous studies conducted in straight channels relate the mechanism of the velocity-dip phenomenon to secondary flow induced by anisotropy of turbulence. This work focuses on high-curved channels where the secondary motion, which is also induced by the channel’s curvature, evolves along the bend. The width-to-depth ratio, B/h, is one of the most important parameters that are affecting the secondary …
Estimating the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic characteristics using Entropy theory at the confluence of Negro and Solimões Rivers
When two mega rivers merge the mixing of two flows results in a highly complex threedimensional flow structure in an area known as the confluence hydrodynamic zone.
Entropic approach to estimate the mean flow velocity: experimental investigation in laboratory flumes
The paper deals with the linear entropic relationship between the maximum velocity, u max , and the mean flow velocity, u m , through a dimensionless parameter Φ(M), in open-channel flow. The analysis is conducted with the aid of experimental data collected in straight laboratory flumes under different bed and side-walls roughness conditions. In particular, rough/vegetated beds and smooth/rough side-walls conditions have been investigated. The results show that, in the investigated conditions (with exception of low-submergence vegetated bed—h/k v < 2), Φ(M) can be assumed equal to a value that is very close to that found in natural channels. This demonstrates that Φ(M) is able to implicitl…
Discharge estimation combining flow routing and occasional measurements of velocity
A new procedure is proposed for estimating river discharge hydrographs during flood events, using only water level data at a single gauged site, as well as 1-D shallow water modelling and occasional maximum surface flow velocity measurements. One-dimensional diffusive hydraulic model is used for routing the recorded stage hydrograph in the channel reach considering zero-diffusion downstream boundary condition. Based on synthetic tests concerning a broad prismatic channel, the “suitable” reach length is chosen in order to minimize the effect of the approximated downstream boundary condition on the estimation of the upstream discharge hydrograph. The Manning’s roughness coefficient is calibra…
Application of entropic approach to estimate the mean flow velocity and Manning roughness coefficient in a high-curvature flume
The entropy-based approach allows the estimation of the mean flow velocity in open channel flow by using the maximum flow velocity. The linear relationship between the mean velocity, umax, and the mean flow velocity, um, through the dimensionless parameter Φ(M), has been verified both in natural rivers and in laboratory channels. Recently, the authors of this study investigated the reliability of the entropy-based formula in a straight channel and under different bed and side-walls' roughness conditions. The present study aims to further validate the entropy-based approach and to explore the effectiveness of entropy-based formula in high curvature channels. Results show that as the effect o…
A Self-Contained and Automated Method for Flood Hazard Maps Prediction in Urban Areas
Water depths and velocities predicted inside urban areas during severe storms are traditionally the final result of a chain of hydrologic and hydraulic models. The use of a single model embedding all the components of the rainfall&ndash
Entropic model application to identify cross-sectional flow effect on velocity distribution in a large amplitude meandering channel
Abstract Literature shows the application of the entropy concept in open channels flow. No existing research has been addressed to the application of the entropy concept for evaluating the effect of secondary flow which especially develops in curved channels. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility to evaluate the effect of the secondary flow on the stream-wise velocity distribution starting only from the knowledge of the surface velocity and the entropic concept application. The analysis is conducted with the aid of data collected in a large-amplitude meandering laboratory flume for two different values of the width-to-depth ratio. Results show that the location of the maxi…
Non-Contact Measurement of River Surface Velocity and Discharge Estimation with a Low-Cost Doppler Radar Sensor
River discharge is an important variable to measure in order to predict droughts and flood occurrences. Once the cross-sectional geometry of the river is known, discharge can be inferred from water level and surface flow velocity measurements. Since river discharges are of particular interest during extreme weather events, when river sites cannot be safely accessed, noncontact sensing technologies are particularly appealing. To this purpose, this work proposes a prototype of a low-cost continuous wave (CW) Doppler radar sensor, which is able to monitor the surface flow velocity of rivers. The prototype is tested at two gauged sites in central Italy, along the Tiber River. The surface flow v…
Prediction of river discharges at confluences based on Entropy theory and surface-velocity measurements
Hydrodynamic features of the confluence zone of large rivers are complicated because of their three-dimensional flow structure. The confluence between the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimões, characterised by black and white waters, respectively, ranks among the largest river junctions on Earth. An Entropy-based investigation was carried out to assess the discharge and analyse the 2D structure of velocity distribution for large river flows relying on monitoring of near-surface velocity only. The estimated flow data where compared with in-situ ADCP data gathered across some transects of the Negro and Solimões rivers during both low and relatively high flow conditions. Results are illustrated thro…
Measurements and Observations in the XXI century (MOXXI) : innovation and multi-disciplinarity to sense the hydrological cycle
ISI Document Delivery No.: FV7JXTimes Cited: 4Cited Reference Count: 249Tauro, Flavia Selker, John van de Giesen, Nick Abrate, Tommaso Uijlenhoet, Remko Porfiri, Maurizio Manfreda, Salvatore Caylor, Kelly Moramarco, Tommaso Benveniste, Jerome Ciraolo, Giuseppe Estes, Lyndon Domeneghetti, Alessio Perks, Matthew T. Corbari, Chiara Rabiei, Ehsan Ravazzani, Giovanni Bogena, Heye Harfouche, Antoine Brocca, Luca Maltese, Antonino Wickert, Andy Tarpanelli, Angelica Good, Stephen Alcala, Jose Manuel Lopez Petroselli, Andrea Cudennec, Christophe Blume, Theresa Hut, Rolf Grimaldi, SalvatoreTaylor & francis ltdAbingdon; To promote the advancement of novel observation techniques that may lead to new so…