P.c.f. Glaysher
Search for the Xb and other hidden-beauty states in the π+π−ϒ(1S) channel at ATLAS
This Letter presents a search for a hidden-beauty counterpart of the X(3872) in the mass ranges 10.05--10.31 GeV and 10.40--11.00 GeV, in the channel Xb→π+π−Υ(1S)(→μ+μ−), using 16.2 fb−1 of s√=8 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. No evidence for new narrow states is found, and upper limits are set on the product of the Xb cross section and branching fraction, relative to those of the Υ(2S), at the 95% confidence level using the CLS approach. These limits range from 0.8% to 4.0%, depending on mass. For masses above 10.1 GeV, the expected upper limits from this analysis are the most restrictive to date. Searches for production of the Υ(13DJ), Υ(10860), and Υ(110…
Measurement of exclusive γγ→ℓ+ℓ− production in proton–proton collisions at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
This Letter reports a measurement of the exclusive gamma gamma -> l(+)l(-) (l = e, mu) cross-section in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, based on an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1). For the electron or muon pairs satisfying exclusive selection criteria, a fit to the dilepton acoplanarity distribution is used to extract the fiducial cross-sections. The cross-section in the electron channel is determined to be sigma(excl)(gamma gamma -> e+e-) = 0.428 +/- 0.035 (stat.) +/- 0.018 (syst.) pbfor a phase-space region with invariant mass of the electron pairs greater than 24GeV, in which both electrons have transverse momentum p(T)…
High-ET isolated-photon plus jets production in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
The dynamics of isolated-photon plus one-, two- and three-jet production in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV are studied with the ATLAS detector at the LHC using a data set with an ...
Measurement of D⁎±, D± and Ds± meson production cross sections in pp collisions at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
The production of D*(+/-), D-+/- and D-S(+/-) charmed mesons has been measured with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at,/7s = 7 TeV at the LHC, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosi ...
Transverse momentum, rapidity, and centrality dependence of inclusive charged-particle production in sNN=5.02 TeV p+ Pb collisions measured by the ATLAS experiment
Measurements of the per-event charged-particle yield as a function of the charged-particle transverse momentum and rapidity are performed using p+Pbp+Pb collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of sqrt (SNN) = 5.01 TeV. Charged particles are reconstructed over pseudorapidity |η|<2.3|η|<2.3 and transverse momentum between 0.1 GeV0.1 GeV and 22 GeV22 GeV in a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1 μb−11 μb−1. The results are presented in the form of charged-particle nuclear modification factors, where the p+Pbp+Pb charged-particle multiplicities are compared between central and peripheral p+Pbp+Pb collisions as well as to charged-p…