R. Bhattacharyay

Numerical and experimental MHD studies of Lead-Lithium liquid metal flows in multichannel test-section at high magnetic fields

Abstract Numerical simulation and experiments have been performed at high magnetic fields (1–3T) to study the MHD assisted molten Lead-Lithium (PbLi) flow in a model test-section which has typical features of multiple parallel channel flows as foreseen in various blanket module of ITER. The characteristics Hartmann number of the presented case study is up to 1557 which is relevant to typical fusion blanket conditions. Symbols B0, a, σ, μ in the definition of Hartmann number are strength of the applied magnetic field, characteristic length scale which is half the channel width parallel to the magnetic field, electrical conductivity and dynamic viscosity of PbLi respectively. Flow distributio…

research product

Liquid metal MHD experimental activities for LLCB TBM development

Abstract In Indian Lead Lithium cooled Ceramic Breeder (LLCB) blanket concept, Lead–Lithium (Pb–Li) liquid metal is used to extract heat from its own bulk volume and also from the neighboring solid breeder zones. The moderate flow velocity of Pb–Li inside the module can be significantly modified due to MHD effects, which arise because of the presence of strong toroidal magnetic field. Recently, two MHD experiments have been jointly carried out at Institute of Physics, University of Latvia (IPUL) with hot Pb–Li (∼350 C) as the working fluid under a strong transverse magnetic field of up to ∼4.0 T. The uncoated test sections are made of SS316L material and consist of LLCB TBM relevant flow ge…

research product

Liquid metal MHD studies with non-magnetic and ferro-magnetic structural material

Abstract In most of the liquid metal MHD experiments reported in the literature to study liquid breeder blanket performance, SS316/SS304 grade steels are used as the structural material which is non-magnetic. On the other hand, the structural material for fusion blanket systems has been proposed to be ferritic martensitic grade steel (FMS) which is ferromagnetic in nature. In the recent experimental campaign, liquid metal MHD experiments have been carried out with two identical test sections: one made of SS316L (non-magnetic) and another with SS430 (ferromagnetic), to compare the effect of structural materials on MHD phenomena for various magnetic fields (up to 4 T). The maximum Hartmann nu…

research product

3D MHD lead–lithium liquid metal flow analysis and experiments in a Test-Section of multiple rectangular bends at moderate to high Hartmann numbers

Abstract Experiments with liquid lead–lithium (Pb–Li) were carried out in a stainless steel (SS) Test Section (TS) consisting of multiple 90° bends for various flow rates and applied magnetic fields of up to 4 T. Characteristic MHD flow parameter Hartmann number, Ha ( = B 0 a σ / μ , Ha2 is the ratio of electromagnetic force to viscous force) and interaction parameter, N ( = σ a B 0 2 / ρ U , N is the ratio of electromagnetic force to inertial force) of these experiments were varied from Ha = 515 to 2060 and N = 25 to 270 by changing the applied magnetic field and flow rates respectively. Three dimensional numerical simulations have been carried out using MHD module of FLUENT code. The meas…

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