S. C. Wurzler
A Wind Tunnel Study of Turbulence Effects on the Scavenging of Aerosol Particles by Water Drops
Abstract Laboratory experiments are described where the effects of turbulence on the impaction scavenging of aerosol particles by water drops were investigated. During the experiments the drops were freely suspended at their terminal velocities in the Mainz vertical wind tunnel. Turbulence in the tunnel airstream was produced by placing a needle obstruction upstream of the floating drop. The energy dissipation rates e were between 0.03 and 0.5 m2 s−3. The power spectrum covered a range of k values between 102 and 3 × 103 m−1, agreeing with atmospheric observations within this range. Collector drops of 346-μm, 1.68-mm, and 2.88-mm radius were exposed to indium acetylacetonate aerosol particl…
A Wind Tunnel Study of the Effects of Turbulence on the Growth of Cloud Drops by Collision and Coalescence
A set of wind tunnel experiments was carried out to investigate the growth of single drops by collision coalescence with small droplets in laminar and turbulent flow. Analysis of the experiments shows that under otherwise similar conditions, there exists a tendency toward a faster drop growth under turbulence. The observed growth under laminar conditions agrees well with computed continuous growth of a collector drop using collision efficiencies reported in the literature.