Jerónimo Saiz-ruiz

Diez años de investigación traslacional colaborativa en enfermedades mentales: el CIBERSAM

research product

Efficacy of quetiapine XR vs. placebo as concomitant treatment to mood stabilizers in the control of subthreshold symptoms of bipolar disorder: Results from a pilot, randomized controlled trial.

Patients with bipolar disorder (BD) do not always achieve full remission between episodes. Subthreshold symptoms (depressive, manic or mixed) represent a major cause of relapse and disability in these patients. Immediate release (IR) and extended release (XR) formulations of quetiapine are both indicated for short and long-term treatment of BD. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of quetiapine XR vs placebo in subthreshold symptomatology when added to previous mood stabilizer treatment. A pilot phase IIIB, multicentre, prospective, placebo controlled, randomized, double blinded study of 12 weeks follow-up was performed (NCT01197846). Patients were randomized to quetiapine XR …

research product

jop-2017-3257-File006 – Supplemental material for Impact of NTRK2, DRD2 and ACE polymorphisms on prolactin levels in antipsychotic-treated patients with first-episode psychosis

Supplemental material, jop-2017-3257-File006 for Impact of NTRK2, DRD2 and ACE polymorphisms on prolactin levels in antipsychotic-treated patients with first-episode psychosis by Patricia Gassó, Sergi Mas, Miquel Bioque, Bibiana Cabrera, Antonio Lobo, Ana González-Pinto, Covadonga M. Díaz-Caneja, Iluminada Corripio, Eduard Vieta, Josefina Castro-Fornieles, Salvador Sarró, Anna Mané, Julio Sanjuan, Adrián Llerena, Amalia Lafuente, Jerónimo Saiz-Ruiz, Miguel Bernardo and PEPs Group in Journal of Psychopharmacology

research product

Age at First Episode Modulates Diagnosis-Related Structural Brain Abnormalities in Psychosis.

Brain volume and thickness abnormalities have been reported in first-episode psychosis (FEP). However, it is unclear if and how they are modulated by brain developmental stage (and, therefore, by age at FEP as a proxy). This is a multicenter cross-sectional case-control brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study. Patients with FEP (n = 196), 65.3% males, with a wide age at FEP span (12-35 y), and healthy controls (HC) (n = 157), matched for age, sex, and handedness, were scanned at 6 sites. Gray matter volume and thickness measurements were generated for several brain regions using FreeSurfer software. The nonlinear relationship between age at scan (a proxy for age at FEP in patients) and…

research product

jop-2017-3257-File005 – Supplemental material for Impact of NTRK2, DRD2 and ACE polymorphisms on prolactin levels in antipsychotic-treated patients with first-episode psychosis

Supplemental material, jop-2017-3257-File005 for Impact of NTRK2, DRD2 and ACE polymorphisms on prolactin levels in antipsychotic-treated patients with first-episode psychosis by Patricia Gassó, Sergi Mas, Miquel Bioque, Bibiana Cabrera, Antonio Lobo, Ana González-Pinto, Covadonga M. Díaz-Caneja, Iluminada Corripio, Eduard Vieta, Josefina Castro-Fornieles, Salvador Sarró, Anna Mané, Julio Sanjuan, Adrián Llerena, Amalia Lafuente, Jerónimo Saiz-Ruiz, Miguel Bernardo and PEPs Group in Journal of Psychopharmacology

research product

Regular el juego para prevenir la adicción: hoy más necesario que nunca

En mayo de 2013 aparecio la quinta edicion de la clasificacion de los trastornos mentales (DSM-5) de la American Psychiatric Association (APA, 2013), en la cual se incluye el trastorno de juego dentro de la categoria de trastornos adictivos, que es algo que era demandado desde hace decadas desde los ambitos clinicos, sociales y cientificos. El juego de azar, que segun la propia APA tiene la misma consideracion que las drogas o el alcohol en cuanto a la activacion de los circuitos cerebrales de recompensa y a las consecuencias clinicas del trastorno del juego, no tiene, sin embargo, esa consideracion desde el principal ambito desde donde se debe llevar a cabo la prevencion de la adiccion, qu…

research product

¿Por qué (también) es tan difícil legislar sobre juego en España? Un ‘déjà vu’ de lo ocurrido con el alcohol

research product

Consensus guideline for the evaluation of physical health in patients with schizophrenia

research product