Rut Caparrós
Integrative taxonomy sheds light on an old problem: theUlota crispacomplex (Orthotrichaceae, Musci)
The combined use of morphological and molecular analyses has been proven to be useful in resolving taxonomic complexes with hidden diversity. In bryology, however, integrative taxonomy has rarely been employed to revisit relevant old, unresolved problems. One of these classical controversies is whether the Ulota crispa complex comprises one or three species. To elucidate this, an exhaustive morphological revision, based on numerous herbarium and fresh specimens from most of the Holarctic areas in which U. crispa has been reported, and molecular analyses, using one nuclear (ITS2) and three plastid (trnG, trnL-trnF, atpB-rbcL) loci on a selection of representative specimens, have been perform…
Two new species ofUlota(Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida) with multicellular spores, from the Hengduan Mountains, Southwestern China
Two new species, Ulota yunnanensis and Ulota gigantospora, are described from Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces, China. Both have multicellular spores, a relatively uncommon character in the genus. Differences between the species include growth form and habit, leaf areolation, capsule shape, peristome structure and ornamentation, operculum shape and colour, as well as vaginula and calyptra hairiness. These characters and those discriminating the new species from other ones with similar spore type are discussed and illustrated.
Ulota drummondii(Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida) in the Iberian Peninsula
Ulota drummondii (Hook. & Grev.) Brid. is a Suboceanic Boreal-montane epiphytic moss whose disjunct distribution includes both coasts of North America, East Asia, as well as northern and central Europe, being an extraordinarily rare moss in its southernmost known localities in Europe. It was reported some years ago from northern Spain, but the revision of the specimens on which the record was based demonstrate to be misidentified. Therefore, this species was not included in the treatment of the genus Ulota in the Flora Briofitica Iberica. Recently, the species was collected 140 km away of the previous erroneous record, and this led to a search for other specimens from the main Iberian herba…
New national and regional bryophyte records, 35
Department of Botany, University of Stellenbosch, SouthAfrica1. Brachythecium laetum(Brid.) Schimp.Contributors: S. Huttunen, M. S. Ignatov and T.Korvenpa¨a¨Finland: La¨nsi-Turunmaa, Houtskari, on east andsouth shore of island Nataholm, 60u15945.3060N21u19911.960W, in rich deciduous forest withCorylusavellanaL. understory and some calcareous soils, 13August 2008, leg. Turkka Korvenpa¨a¨, det.M.S.Ignatov in August 2012 (original det. Brachytheciumcampestre) (TUR116496).The specimen ofBrachythecium laetumwas notedby M. S. Ignatov in connection with studies onFinnish material of B. campestre(Mu¨ll.Hal.) Schimp.from the Turku University Herbarium (TUR).Additional collections were searched for …