H.-w. Spindler
Palliativtherapie des Prostatakarzinoms mit dem LHRH-Analog Decapeptyl-Depot: Beeinflussung der Phosphatasekonzentration durch den Testosteronspiegel
Decapeptyl ist das dritte derzeit rezeptierbare LHRH-Analogon zur pharmakologischen Kastration beim fortgeschrittenen Prostatakarzinom. Es ist ein synthetisches Decapeptid wie das naturliche Hormon LHRH, lediglich an der 6. Aminosaure-Position ist Glycin durch D-Tryptophan ersetzt.
Endocrine and Clinical Evaluation of 107 Patients With Advanced Prostatic Carcinoma Under Long-Term Pernasal Buserelin or Intramuscular Decapeptyl Depot Treatment
Three major assumptions emerged from these clinical and endocrine long-term studies. First, buserelin, given pernasally in the conventional doses, and Decapeptyl microcapsules administered intramuscularly in 5-week intervals are equally effective in terms of their long-term castration effect in previously untreated patients with prostatic carcinoma. However, Decapeptyl causes complete LH and subsequent testosterone down-regulation 1 week earlier than buserelin. Furthermore, this treatment is more convenient, and the compliance is better. Both LHRH analogues are equally well tolerated. Second, in groups of prostate cancer patients with far advanced disease treated with palliative intention, …