Hongwei Zhao
High-brilliance double-stage soft x-ray laser pumped by multiple pulses applied in grazing incidence
A new compact scheme for a double-stage seeded x-ray laser is demonstrated. This laser is offering greatly improved beam quality and brilliance making it a useful tool for applications.
Strong-field physics using lasers and relativistic heavy ions at the high-energy storage ring hesr at fair
The HESR high-energy ion storage ring at FAIR will provide unprecedented possibilities for strong-field physics using novel laser sources on relativistic heavy ions. An overview on the planning will be given.
Radiation pressure-assisted acceleration of ions using multi-component foils in high-intensity laser–matter interactions
Experimental results on the acceleration of protons and carbon ions from ultra-thin polymer foils at intensities of up to 6x10(19)Wcm(-2) are presented revealing quasi-monoenergetic spectral characteristics for different ion species at the same time. For carbon ions and protons, a linear correlation between the cutoff energy and the peak energy is observed when the laser intensity is increased. Particle-in-cell simulations supporting the experimental results imply an ion acceleration mechanism driven by the radiation pressure as predicted for multi-component foils at these intensities.
Effects of magnetic configuration on hot electrons in a minimum-B ECR plasma
To investigate the hot electron population and the appearance of kinetic instabilities in highly charged electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS), the axially emitted bremsstrahlung spectra and microwave bursts emitted from ECRIS plasma were synchronously measured on SECRAL-II (Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou No. II) ion source with various magnetic field configurations. The experimental results show that when the ratio of the minimum field to the resonance field (i.e. Bmin/Becr) is less than ~0.8, the bremsstrahlung spectral temperature Ts increases linearly with the Bmin/Becr–ratio when the injection, extraction and radial mirror fields are kept const…
Enhanced radiation pressure-assisted acceleration by temporally tuned counter-propagating pulses
Within the last decade, laser-ion acceleration has become a field of broad interest. The possibility to generate short proton- or heavy ion bunches with an energy of a few tens of MeV by table-top laser systems could open new opportunities for medical or technical applications. Nevertheless, today's laser-acceleration schemes lead mainly to a temperature-like energy distribution of the accelerated ions, a big disadvantage compared to mono-energetic beams from conventional accelerators. Recent results 111 of laser-ion acceleration using radiation-pressure appear promising to overcome this drawback. In this paper, we demonstrate the influence of a second counter-propagating laser pulse intera…