Spectral and electrooptical absorption and emission studies on internally hydrogen bonded benzoxazole `double' derivatives: 2,5-bis(benzoxazolyl)hydroquinone (BBHQ) and 3,6-bis(benzoxazolyl)pyrocatechol (BBPC). Single versus double proton transfer in the excited BBPC revisited
Abstract Ground and excited state dipole moments and polarizabilities of 2,5-bis(benzoxazolyl)hydroquinone (BBHQ) and 3,6-bis(benzoxazolyl)pyrocatechol (BBPC) are determined by means of electrooptical absorption and emission measurements. BBHQ is found to exhibit a small, while BBPC a large increase of the static polarizability in the Franck–Condon (FC) excited singlet state. The change of the dipole moments upon excitation to the FC state is zero within experimental error. However, both molecules show dipole moments in the fluorescent states of their phototautomers, of about 5 D, the major component being parallel to the long molecular axis. The experimental and theoretical results strongl…