M. Neurath

Unterschiede im Erhaltungszustand zwischen vorderem und hinterem Kreuzband bei rheumatoider Arthritis

In rheumatoid arthritis (RA) we examined the cruciate ligaments of 16 patients by the use of light- and transmission electron microscopy. Considerable differences between the anterior (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) were observed. The ACL showed dramatic ultrastructural changes, against that the PCL was compact and well conserved. The preservation of PCL in joint surgery can morphologically be recommended. Perhaps the greater inflammatory process on the surface of ACL is responsible for the observed differences.

research product

Faszikuläre und subfaszikuläre Architektur der Ligamenta cruciata

Morphologie der Kollagenfaszikel und Vaskularisationsdichte von vorderem und hinterem Kreuzband wurden durch kombinierte histologische, transmissions- und rasterelektronenmikroskopische, morphometrische und immunhistochemische Studien analysiert. Die Fibrillendurchmesser im vorderen Kreuzband lagen zwischen 20 und 155 nm (x=74 nm, s=18.8 nm) und im hinteren Kreuzband zwischen 20 und 175 nm (x=82 nm, s=25,4 nm). Kollagen Typ III und VI besasen ein diffuses Verteilungsmuster mit einem Maximum in der Ansatzzone der Bander. Der Kollagen-Typ-IV-Gehalt des vorderen Kreuzbandes war gering. Die Anzahl der Kreuzbandarteriolen zeigte ein charakteristisches Verteilungsmuster (vorderes Kreuzband: unter…

research product

Expression von Tenascin, Laminin und Fibronectin nach traumatischer vorderer Kreuzbandruptur

In the present study, the pattern of some extracellular matrix glycoproteins was determined in traumatic anterior cruciate ligament ruptures (n = 17) and in normal ligaments (n = 11). 6 microns cryo-sections were incubated with monoclonal antibodies recognizing tenascin, laminin, and fibronectin, and FITC-labeled secondary antibodies. Immunohistochemistry revealed that tenascin, fibronectin and laminin are sparsely distributed in normal anterior cruciate ligaments, but strongly expressed in ruptured ligaments with a time-restricted pattern. The de novo-expression of tenascin appeared before laminin but later than fibronectin. The data suggest that fibronectin and tenascin are important, par…

research product

072 Collagen gene expression and tenascin pattern in normal, osteoarthritic, and rheumatoid connective tissues

The extracellular matrix consists of four major components, namely collagens, elastin, proteoglyeans and glycoproteins. Collagens are important members of the ECM, forming a family of at least t 3 different structurally related proteins. Tenascin, synonymous with cytoactin, hexabrachion and J1, is a new member of matrix glycoproteins with a molecular mass of 1200 kD. It exhibits a "hexabrachion" structure with an ellipsoid central globule from which six arms of 75 nm in length diverge in a T-junction arrangement [1]. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) belongs to the group of connective tissue diseases. In contrast to abundant data about ECM-changes in systemic sclerodermia [2] the matrix alterations…

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