Marco Guglielmi
Efficient formulation of Multimode Equivalent Networks for 2-D waveguide steps through Kummer's transformation
In this paper we present a new and improved formulation for the Multimode Equivalent Network (MEN) representation of arbitrary waveguide junctions. In the new formulation the Kummer's transformation is used to separate the kernel into dynamic and static parts, by introducing higher order extraction terms. The main difference with respect to the old formulation is that the approximation of the kernel is more accurate and the numerical computations are more efficient. In addition to theory, both formulations are compared in terms of efficiency and convergence thereby fully validating the proposed new formulation.
Generalized Thru-Reflect-Line Calibration Technique for the Measurement of Multimodal Radiating Waveguides
The objective of this letter is to extend the use of the generalized thru-reflect-line measurement technique to the case of a radiating multimodal rectangular waveguide aperture. Although this radiating aperture has been carefully studied from a theoretical point of view, the relevant experimental characterization has been limited to the case where the feeding waveguide is monomodal. In addition to theory, we also present experimental results that agree quite well with full-wave simulations, thereby fully validating the measurement technique.
Accurate consideration of metal losses at waveguide junctions using admittance and impedance integral equation formulations
[1] At higher frequencies, metal loss effects in passive waveguide components become more pronounced and hazardous. In this paper, we propose two integral equation techniques, based on the generalized admittance and impedance matrices, for the accurate consideration of losses in the metal walls of waveguide junctions. Both techniques have been evaluated in terms of accuracy and numerical efficiency, and conclusions are drawn regarding the best properties of the admittance parameter formulation. Finally, combining such technique with a classical perturbative method for considering propagation losses, we have successfully predicted all loss effects in two real waveguide filters used for comme…
Efficient Design of Waveguide Manifold Multiplexers Based on Low-Order EM Distributed Models
In this paper, a new systematic technique to design manifold-coupled multiplexers in waveguide technology is proposed. The new technique uses generalized low-order electromagnetic (EM) distributed models, which constitute a half-way point between the fast, but imprecise, analytical models, and the more accurate, but costly, full-wave EM models. The method can be applied to contiguous and noncontiguous channel multiplexers, in both E-plane or H-plane configurations. This paper covers the complete design procedure for manifold multiplexers, starting from the required specifications and finishing with the physical dimensions. After explaining the general design technique for multiplexers with …
Contributions to the analysis and design of all-inductive filters with dielectric resonators
In this work, three modern full-wave methods will be employed for the accurate analysis and efficient design of a novel family of all-inductive filters loaded with dielectric resonators. These techniques are the bi-orthonormal-basis combined with the orthonormal-basis method, the hybrid mode-matching/spectral method, and, finally, the BI-RME (Boundary Integral-Resonant Mode Expansion) method. Then, two prototypes of band-pass filters have been designed in this work using a CAD tool developed in the research groups implicated in this manuscript. The procedure described in this paper only involves a limited number of actual physical parameters at each step so that it is computationally very e…
Multimode equivalent network representation for planar junctions involving elliptical waveguides
New distributed model for synthesis of classical dual mode filters
Up to now, distributed models for classical dual mode filters have not been developed. In this paper, the whole procedure to derive such distributed models is shown step by step. The resulting formulas are very similar to those standard ones used for in-line filters since the 1960s. Model limitations, very similar to those related to classical formulas, in terms of precision and bandwidth, are pointed out. Finally, two practical examples of distributed models of dual mode filters for satellite transponders with different orders have been extracted.
Efficient analysis of cubic junction of rectangular waveguides using admittance-matrix representation
In the paper an efficient and accurate method, based on the multimode-admittance-matrix representation and the theory of cavities, is proposed for the analysis of a six-port ‘cubic’ junction composed of the orthogonal intersection of three rectangular waveguides. Very simple closed-form analytical expressions are explicitly detailed for all matrix elements of this basic key building block. More general waveguide multiport junctions, composed of a central cubic junction with arbitrarily shaped waveguide access ports, are also studied using a segmentation procedure. To validate the theory, numerical results are first discussed for a standard rectangular waveguide six-port cross junction. Fina…
Rigorous Multimode Equivalent Network Representation of Multilayer Planar Circuits
The objective of this paper is to extend the use of the Multimode Equivalent Network formulation, originally developed to analyze waveguide junctions, to the analysis of planar circuits that include arbitrary rectangular printed, zero thickness metallizations together with internal and external ports in the transverse plane. The theoretical derivations lead to an accurate and computationally efficient tool for the analysis of boxed, multilayer microwave printed circuits. In addition to theory, the tool developed is used here to analyze two practical examples: a dual-bandpass and a 4-pole bandpass boxed microstrip filters. Good agreement with respect to commercial software tools and measurem…
A commercial EM solver using the BI-RME method
Multipactor Effect Characterization of Dielectric Materials for Space Applications
[EN] The objective of this paper is to advance the state of the art in the characterization of the multipactor effect in dielectric materials. The materials studied are the most commonly used dielectrics in space applications, namely, Alumina, Rexolite, Rogers RT5870, Rohacell, Teflon, and Ultem 1000. In this paper, a new family of coaxial waveguide components, covering the L- and S-bands, with a wideband, low-pass response has been designed, and six different prototypes have been specifically optimized and manufactured. The six prototypes have then been used to simulate and measure the multipactor breakdown susceptibility charts for the six dielectric materials investigated. Finally, the s…