Marina Mustonen
Impact of genetic diversity of an earthworm on decomposition and ecosystem functioning
Abstract Ecosystem functioning is affected positively by increased biodiversity, through complementary functions of multiple species or because high-functioning species are more likely in a species-rich community. Genetic diversity is one level of biodiversity that has been shown to positively affect ecosystem functioning. Whether the genetic diversity of a key decomposer species affects decomposition processes, and ecosystem functioning in general, is still unknown. We compared low and high genetic diversity assemblages of the earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra in two different experiments: using microcosms containing a simple community of other decomposer animals (some nematodes and other mic…
Genetic diversity of a clonal earthworm : gene expression variation and impacts on decomposition in metal contaminated soil
Biodiversity affects ecosystem functioning positively. Metal-contamination diminishes species diversity and ecosystem function depends on the remaining species, and the genotypes within them. I studied how the clonally reproducing earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra responds to soil metal contamination and how its genetic diversity affects decomposition. Expression of the gene for the metal tolerance protein metallothionein was compared between populations with or without metal exposure history: with exposure history expression was high and stable and without there was a slow response. Adaptation to metal contamination likely explains the differences. Clonality of D. octaedra was verified with m…
Detecting effects of developmental mode variation on population genetic stability
Temporal genetic structure in a poecilogonous polychaete: the interplay of developmental mode and environmental stochasticity
Background: Temporal variation in the genetic structure of populations can be caused by multiple factors, including natural selection, stochastic environmental variation, migration, or genetic drift. In benthic marine species, the developmental mode of larvae may indicate a possibility for temporal genetic variation: species with dispersive planktonic larvae are expected to be more likely to show temporal genetic variation than species with benthic or brooded non-dispersive larvae, due to differences in larval mortality and dispersal ability. We examined temporal genetic structure in populations of Pygospio elegans, a poecilogonous polychaete with within-species variation in developmental m…
Variation in gene expression within clones of the earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra
Gene expression is highly plastic, which can help organisms to both acclimate and adapt to changing environments. Possible variation in gene expression among individuals with the same genotype (among clones) is not widely considered, even though it could impact the results of studies that focus on gene expression phenotypes, for example studies using clonal lines. We examined the extent of within and between clone variation in gene expression in the earthworm Dendrobaena octaedra, which reproduces through apomictic parthenogenesis. Five microsatellite markers were developed and used to confirm that offspring are genetic clones of their parent. After that, expression of 12 genes was measured…
Data from: Temporal genetic structure in a poecilogonous polychaete: the interplay of developmental mode and environmental stochasticity
Background: Temporal variation in the genetic structure of populations can be caused by multiple factors, including natural selection, stochastic environmental variation, migration, or genetic drift. In benthic marine species, the developmental mode of larvae may indicate a possibility for temporal genetic variation: species with dispersive planktonic larvae are expected to be more likely to show temporal genetic variation than species with benthic or brooded non-dispersive larvae, due to differences in larval mortality and dispersal ability. We examined temporal genetic structure in populations of Pygospio elegans, a poecilogonous polychaete with within-species variation in developmental m…