C. Michelot
Sufficient conditions for coincidence in ℓ1 multifacility location problems
We consider the problem of finding the optimal way of locating a finite number of facilities in a finite dimensional space, in order to minimize a weighted sum of the distances between these and other pre-existent facilities which are already positioned. We study the specific case where distance is measured in the @?"1, giving a new sufficient condition for identifying groups of facilities whose position will coincide at optimality.
About the finite convergence of the proximal point algorithm
We study the finite convergence property of the proximal point algorithm applied to the partial inverse, with respect to a subspace, of the subdifferential of a polyhedral convex function. Using examples we show how sufficient conditions providing the finite convergence can be realized and we give a case with non finite termination.
Geometric interpretation of the optimality conditions in multifacility location and applications
Geometrical optimality conditions are developed for the minisum multifacility location problem involving any norm. These conditions are then used to derive sufficient conditions for coincidence of facilities at optimality; an example is given to show that these coincidence conditions seem difficult to generalize.
A primal-dual algorithm for the fermat-weber problem involving mixed gauges
We give a new algorithm for solving the Fermat-Weber location problem involving mixed gauges. This algorithm, which is derived from the partial inverse method developed by J.E. Spingarn, simultaneously generates two sequences globally converging to a primal and a dual solution respectively. In addition, the updating formulae are very simple; a stopping rule can be defined though the method is not dual feasible and the entire set of optimal locations can be obtained from the dual solution by making use of optimality conditions. When polyhedral gauges are used, we show that the algorithm terminates in a finite number of steps, provided that the set of optimal locations has nonepty interior an…